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For successful adaptation of an employee it is necessary. Difficulties in the adaptation of new employees in organizations. Difficulties in adapting to school

It happens that a new desired and long-awaited job does not live up to expectations. There can be many reasons for this. They seem to lie on the surface and are very simple. For example, an unfortunate location of the company or the feeling that employees are coping without a new colleague. Few people think that the roots are much deeper.

As a rule, newcomers face difficulties if personnel adaptation in the organization is not carried out. Having got a job in a company of any size, an employee feels constrained, lost, and in a tense state. Over time, he becomes part of the team, and the company only benefits from his work. But before this moment arrives, more than one year may pass. Or it may turn out that the person continues to feel superfluous and prefers to quit.

Concept of adaptation

First of all, you should know that the adaptation of personnel in an organization is the adaptation of the company and the employee to each other. The employee is faced with new tasks, working methods, he is surrounded by unfamiliar colleagues, and he needs to get used to new conditions. The process of personnel adaptation in an organization is not always regulated. Not all employers consider it necessary to develop a system, finance it and take experienced employees away from work in order to make it easier for a new employee to get into position. Nevertheless, the adaptation of personnel in the organization must be carefully worked out, which will avoid the costs associated with dismissal, search, selection and hiring of personnel.

Types of adaptation

As a rule, the process of adapting an employee to new conditions can be of two types:

  • Primary adaptation - when initially applying for a job in a company. In this case, the employee has no idea about the job, responsibilities, etc.
  • Secondary adaptation - with promotion (demotion) within the company. In such a situation, the employee needs time and knowledge to take on a new position and work at the same level.

In both cases, adaptation of personnel in the organization is necessary and develops according to the same principles.

Basic forms

The organization of work on personnel adaptation should cover not only the professional activities of the employee. It includes the following forms:

  1. Social – the employee’s adaptation to the environment and the values ​​of the team.
  2. Professional - mastering the work process and its nuances. Development of professional qualities and skills.
  3. Production - familiarization with labor standards at the enterprise.
  4. Organizational - familiarity with the structure of the organization, its departments and communications.
  5. Economic - information about wages and forms of material incentives.
  6. Non-productive - corporate recreation or sporting events that allow you to improve relationships between employees and unite the team.

A well-constructed system of personnel adaptation in an organization affects all of the above forms, and at the end of the process the employee feels like one with the company. Such an employee does not become dissatisfied with his job, his role in the company, or think about quitting. As a result, the company’s staff turnover decreases.

Since controlled adaptation in Russia is a fairly new direction, when talking about methods of adaptation to new conditions, the focus is primarily on foreign companies and their experience.

The most popular methods are:

  1. Personnel training - the company cooperates with educational institutions and, with their help, trains employees for its own needs.
  2. Advanced training - updating knowledge in accordance with the latest developments in different areas. The method is suitable for those people who, for some reason, are not satisfied with their previous profession.
  3. Personnel retraining is an opportunity to acquire a new specialty or knowledge necessary to work in a certain position. Ideal for those who have had a break from work and need to update their knowledge (young mothers).
  4. Cases and situational tasks - this method is aimed at team building and learning to work in a team. Most team members take part in the discussion, which allows you to find the right solution.
  5. Business games - situations related to professional activity. Using this method teaches employees to think outside the box and make decisions quickly.
  6. Briefing is perhaps a very superficial method of adaptation, but it is suitable for those employees who find it easier to adhere to a certain algorithm in any actions in the workplace.
  7. Budding is making it easier to join a team through a friendly relationship with a colleague. Providing feedback and the ability to ask for help at any time is most effective in the first weeks of work in a new company.

We will talk in more detail about methods such as rotation, shadowing, mentoring and immersion. They are interesting because workers gain more knowledge and skills when using them.

Personnel rotation

This is a type of advanced training. Rotation involves the temporary movement of personnel among positions within the organization, which allows employees to experience different roles and try their hand at a new field. It can be equally useful to see your work from the outside in this way. An employee in such a situation can realize mistakes and increase productivity. The method is quite effective, as it gives a certain shake-up to employees.


The name speaks for itself. An employee becomes a “shadow” of another employee or department head. At the same time, it is clearly visible how official duties are performed. The mentor and his “shadow” are on equal terms. It is worth noting that an inexperienced employee does not receive any payment, but has the opportunity to choose any workplace and a position for such research.

This method can be developed in three directions:

The student has no experience and observes the work of an experienced employee.

The student has work experience and can participate in discussions and work.

The student has high professional skills and works independently. In this case, the “shadow” is an experienced employee who observes the work and makes adjustments as necessary.

Mentoring Institute

This method is based on selecting a mentor from experienced workers. This role can be performed by either a line employee with sufficient qualifications or a department head. He can set tasks for the beginner (from simple to more complex) and monitor their implementation. Also, based on his experience, the mentor explains all working aspects and gives recommendations on improving work and avoiding mistakes.

The new employee may be older than his mentor or occupy the same position as him. But in any case, in this method, the mentor plays a dominant role over his ward.

When using the institution of mentoring, the employee’s work is paid. And the mentor needs to keep reports on how the adaptation process is going and how ready the employee is for independent work.

Immersion method

This option is suitable for higher level positions. In this case, the new manager immediately actively joins the work. When fulfilling obligations, he has no time to doubt. Positive relationships with the team are also established, which is facilitated by the leader fulfilling his duties independently, rather than delegating authority to subordinates.

Experience in Russia

Methods for adapting personnel to organizations in Russia are very limited and are most often expressed only through mentoring. This option is good in its own way if the mentor is experienced and does not do his job “for show.” There are also companies in which all adaptation programs are carried out only on paper. Methods from the training group are more often found in recruitment agencies and labor exchanges. These organizations help people acquire the knowledge needed for certain jobs. Combining different methods adaptation of personnel in the organization, you can achieve impact from new employees several times faster.

Responsible persons

Management of personnel adaptation in the organization falls on the shoulders of the following employees:

  • company management;
  • head of department;
  • HR manager;
  • mentor of a new employee.

At the same time, the roles of each are quite transparent. The HR manager is the employee whose efforts and knowledge are used to develop the personnel adaptation system in the organization. In this case, employees of other departments may be involved, for example, psychologists (if the company provides them).

The heads of the organization and department hire an employee, and it is they who decide at the interview whether this person is suitable for the position and whether he will cope with the responsibilities. And it is up to these same people to coordinate the adaptation system and put it into operation.

An equally important person is the mentor. This is an employee with extensive experience in this organization. Someone who knows all the nuances of work and communication with the team. It is he who will have to train the employee so that the number of errors is minimal.

Benefits from innovation

Improving the adaptation of personnel in an organization is something that every company should strive for. Stable work of the team, minimal staff turnover, as well as reduced costs of finding and training new employees are the key to the success and development of the company.

Professional adaptation of personnel in an organization should be carried out regardless of its size and form of ownership. Programs for workers without experience may be less expensive, since they do not need to be retrained in a new way.

You think that the problem of adaptation concerns only first-graders and their parents, you are deeply mistaken. Get ready for similar situations: after the holidays, when the child moves to fifth grade, a new school. You will learn how to help your child adapt to the learning process and cope with difficulties by reading the article.

The child went to first grade - a joyful, long-awaited and at the same time alarming event.

Parents and compassionate grandmothers feel sorry for the baby to the point of tears, because trials await him outside the school threshold, and he is so defenseless and his mother is not around, always ready to help.

In some cases, the process of addiction becomes a difficult stage in the life of a first-grader and the entire family. The entire process of further education depends on how the child’s school life begins and how he joins the team.

Adaptation of a first grader is the ability to adapt to new conditions.

Difficulties in adapting to school

Kindergarten children are accustomed to a comfortable daily routine - classes, games, meals and sleep on a schedule, but school life is more dynamic. The child gets tired, often does not have time to complete the teacher’s tasks, gets upset, and is capricious. For children at home, the process of adaptation is even more difficult.

The mental and emotional state of the child is influenced by:

  • personal qualities of the class teacher
  • group of classmates
  • changed daily routine
  • having to sit in one place for an entire lesson
  • responsibilities assigned to him

The child does not understand why he was deprived of the opportunity to run and play, and sitting in one place for a long time is a tedious and difficult task for him. If he starts talking in class or fidgeting, he gets a reprimand. It’s not possible to earn praise from the teacher and a good grade - hence the resentment, disappointment and the first difficulties:

  • poor academic performance, discipline
  • laziness and unwillingness to learn
  • demonstrating your attitude towards school and teachers
  • negativity towards everything that happens at school.

How to cope and prevent problems is the task of parents and teaching staff.

Levels of child adaptation to school

After the first of September, the second and third come and it becomes clear that some children easily enter school life, while for others the process of adjustment is painful, with tears and hysterics. Children can be divided into three groups according to their ability to adapt to the requirements and rules of the school.

Unfortunately, almost half of first-graders painfully go through the beginning of a long and difficult learning path.

High level adaptation

The child has no problems, is positive, accepts new conditions, requirements and responsibilities.

  1. The child learns with pleasure, he listens attentively to the teacher, and easily learns program material, solves complex problems, is active in class.
  2. Completes homework assignments with pleasure, without parental reminders, shows interest in school subjects, studies the material thoroughly and deeply, and is interested in additional material.
  3. He is sociable and has good relationships with classmates and teachers.
  4. He is happy to tell you how the day went, what interesting things happened, and what new things you learned.

Mid-level adaptation

The child easily adapts to new conditions.

  1. Study well and master required material school curriculum, listens to the teacher willingly, if the topic is interesting to him, takes an active part in the discussion.
  2. Does homework responsibly (almost always), however, he is attentive and focused only if he likes the subject or task.
  3. He is active, participates in the life of the class and school, carries out public assignments with pleasure, is sociable, has many friends and not only from his class.

Low level of adaptation

The child has a negative attitude towards school, classmates and teachers.

  1. The child does not like to study and constantly feigns illness in order to avoid going to school.
  2. In class he is passive, does not listen to the teacher, is distracted by the slightest trifles, and only partially assimilates the required material in the subjects.
  3. Parents have to force their child to do his homework and constantly remind him what he didn’t do homework, which he does not want or cannot do without the help of his parents or teacher.
  4. He is reluctant to talk about school, complains about classmates and teachers, and has few friends.

The process of adaptation to school

Adaptation of a child takes some time and occurs in stages:

  • Child comes to school

The first stage of preparing the child for school begins.

  1. The teaching staff introduces the child to the area around the school, shows where the sports hall, assembly hall, library, and class where he will study are located (introduction tour).
  2. Classes are conducted on fine motor skills (drawing, modeling, appliqué).
  3. Physical education classes for the development of gross motor skills (playing with a ball, table tennis, push-ups).
  4. Children perform exercises with the teacher to develop imaginative and logical thinking.
  • The child gets used to school

Psychologists set aside six months, after which a conclusion is drawn about how the children adapted to school.

  1. During this time, the teacher must learn the character traits and capabilities of each student.
  2. The teacher and psychologist provide assistance to first-graders in adapting to the educational process.
  3. The class teacher maintains constant contact with parents, who, in turn, should visit school as often as possible and talk with the teacher.
  • The child cannot adapt to school

After the first semester, the class teacher informs parents about the progress of children over six months of study and the problems of adaptation of individual students.

Work with difficult children is planned for the second semester, together with the teacher, psychologist and parents, so that by the end of the year the child becomes a full-fledged member of the school team.

When the first signs of maladjustment appear in a first-grader:

  1. The school psychologist takes the child under supervision, gives recommendations to the teacher and advises parents.
  2. Additional work is carried out outside the school program on the effective development of the child, abilities and opportunities for their implementation are identified.
  3. Are being done psychological tests the level of self-esteem, aggressiveness and anxiety of the student.
  4. At the end of the year the results are summed up collaboration on the child’s adaptation to school.

Conditions for adaptation to school

In order for the child to easily get used to and adapt to new conditions, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the body’s adaptation to school, nervous system and behavior in the team and society.

Physiological adaptation to school

With the beginning of learning, the child’s body is rebuilt; this process takes a different amount of time for each person.

In the first quarter, many babies experience a decrease in appetite and weight loss. The child complains of fatigue, headaches and has difficulty waking up in the morning. Often, blood pressure decreases due to overwork, and problems arise with the circulatory system, which during this period undergoes age-related changes.

The question arises - what to do?

Follow the banal, well-known recommendations:

  • Nothing new: regime and again – regime

For a first-grader, all kinds of after-school activities are contraindicated, even if this is a necessary measure and there is no one to pick up the child from school; contact grandparents and sisters.

  1. A 7-year-old child needs to sleep at least 11 hours, then exercise and breakfast; if a first-grader goes to school sleepy, he will sleep during the first lesson.
  2. After classes, rest is mandatory, preferably sleep. In first grade, the teacher should not assign homework.
  3. The best time to study with a child is after 9.00 for the second shift and 16.00 for the first.
  4. Between classes, do small physical training minutes - alternating mental and physical labor.
  • More exercise means fewer missed lessons

The first-grader moves little; it has been established that it takes him half an hour for active rest; of course, there are physical education lessons, but they do not solve the problem.

  1. Do not limit your child to walks after school or take your baby for a walk before bedtime. fresh air. He would rather kick a ball with friends than sit at the computer.
  2. Enroll your first-grader in the pool, in the sports section. Exercising will help prevent many diseases.
  3. Provide your child with a comfortable place to study, pay attention to the lighting and how he sits, so that there are no problems with the spine in the future.
  4. Go to school and see how comfortable your child is in the classroom, how and where he sits, and whether there is sufficient lighting in the classroom.

Unfortunately, according to statistics, parents in most cases, due to employment or negligence, have little or no control over the child. He doesn’t get enough sleep, eats anything, spends a lot of time in front of the computer, and doesn’t go outside. There is no need to talk about good health.

Psychological adaptation to school

Psychological readiness for learning is when a child enjoys going to school, learning, and is in a good mood. The opposite state in the child’s behavior indicates that internally, mentally, he is not ready for school.

How your child psychologically adapts to school depends on you. A few simple tips to help your child:

  1. Your baby should know that he is always loved, even if something doesn’t work out for him.
  2. Do not shout, do not scold, do not allow physical punishment towards the child
  3. Control, but without bias, give more independence
  4. Show interest in your child’s studies and school life, he should feel your participation and care
  5. Never set other children as an example - this is a blow to your pride
  6. Praise him for small victories, but do not overpraise him, stimulate him to new successes and encourage him

Do not forget that each first grader is unique, with his own character and type of temperament. Agree that, due to the mobility of the nervous system, it is difficult for a choleric person to sit in class and do homework, and for a phlegmatic person it is difficult to force him to make a quick decision.

Social adaptation to school

If a child comes to school from kindergarten, he has the initial concepts of socialization in society, which distinguishes him from a first-grader who was with his mother or nanny before school.

A little time will pass, and a motley group of children will turn, under the guidance of a teacher, psychologist and parents, into a friendly team.

A child must be able to establish relationships with children and teachers, make acquaintances, defend his opinion and give others the opportunity to speak out. In case of conflict or difficult situations the child must learn to get out of them with dignity and make decisions independently.

The main task of parents and teachers is to help a first-grader find his rightful place in the team and not become an outcast.

Readiness and adaptation to school

Parents mistakenly believe that a child needs to be taught to read, count, learn the multiplication tables in advance, and he is ready for school. When the educational process begins, they are perplexed why a child, who is (in their opinion) perfectly prepared for school, lags behind his classmates.

  • Intelligent Readiness
  1. The child’s ability to correctly formulate sentences and convey his thoughts clearly and intelligibly
  2. A first-grader’s ability to highlight the main points, generalize, and draw conclusions
  3. The child’s ability to reason based on his observations and life experiences

All these qualities will help a first-grader master the school curriculum, arouse interest in the subjects being studied and a desire to learn more, expanding the scope of the school curriculum.

The child’s behavior and academic performance are influenced by his relationship with classmates; he must learn to live in a group.

  • Social readiness
  1. The child must be able to establish relationships with classmates and have personal communication skills
  2. Be able to present yourself, start a conversation or maintain a conversation
  3. He must have communication skills with adults - teachers, administration
  • Personal readiness
  1. The child understands that he has grown up and kindergarten already behind us, a new, more responsible and adult stage in life begins.
  2. He understands the motivation for studying and sets the goal of achieving good results. Can really evaluate his abilities and understands that he has a lot to learn.
  3. He knows that even though the game is more interesting than homework, it needs to be done first.

Adaptation of fifth graders to school

When talking about a child’s adaptation to school, it is impossible to ignore the complex process of children’s transition from primary to secondary school. If parents of first-graders, sending their child to first grade, know what difficulties the child has to overcome, then parents of fifth-graders have no idea about the difficulties of adapting their children to new conditions.

  1. In elementary school they were the oldest, and when they came to middle school, they turned out to be the smallest, which changes their status, and this is difficult to reconcile.
  2. Having become a second mother, the first teacher is already taking care of the new first-graders, and the fifth-graders feel abandoned.
  3. Unfamiliar subjects and new teachers, each with their own demands, all cause anxiety and uncertainty.
  4. New classes are formed, newcomers arrive, with whom complex relationships can be established.

Often the adaptation of a fifth grader is easy and painless:

  • comes with good mood from school
  • goes to class without persuasion
  • completes homework independently, rarely asks for help
  • studying the school curriculum does not cause him any difficulties
  • he has many friends and actively participates in class life

If everything in the child’s behavior is the other way around, it means adaptation difficulties have arisen and he needs help. Try to talk as much as possible with your child, because this is the only way to find out what is bothering him and try to solve all the problems with him together.

Video: “How to help a child adapt to school?”

The employer and the applicant, after passing certain stages, came to a mutual agreement, and a new employee appears in the company. However, how long will the latter stay in this organization? If 20 years ago people were proud that their work book There were only two or three records of work in a particular company, but now this may suggest that such an employee is not in demand in the labor market. Time has changed - attitudes have changed.

Today, good specialists in the personnel market are those who have worked in the same company for more than three years. And if an employee changed three jobs during this period, is he always to blame? Of course, there are those who Soviet time called "flyers". However, you should look at the situation of hiring and firing through the eyes of specialists. To do this, you need to answer several important questions:

  1. Does your company keep statistics on employee turnover?
  2. Who is leaving you, i.e. what categories of employees leave your company more often?
  3. When (in what year of employment) do employees leave your company?
  4. Why do employees leave, i.e. what is the reason?

As you understand, there can be many reasons for the dismissal of employees, but if you keep records of turnover, then by answering the question “When?”, you may also answer the next question “Why?”. If a large percentage of employees leave their jobs in the first months of their employment with the company, this means difficult adaptation (this may partly be due to incorrect selection of personnel). If employees who suit you as an employer leave the company within the first year and a half, this means that the organization has poor motivation. If good specialists quit after working for about three years, conclude: there are no prospects for growth in your company.

According to studies conducted by American scientists, the likelihood of dismissal of an employee who has been working in a company for less than two years is twice as high as compared to an employee who has been working for a longer period. 47 thousand American workers took part in the study. Such large-scale studies have not been carried out in Russia, however, most likely, the results would be similar.

Topics of personnel selection, staff motivation, career growth require separate consideration. Let's talk about the adaptation of a new employee to the company.


Adaptation (from lat. adapto- adapt) - adaptation of the employee to work activities and the internal climate of the company. At the same time, the task of company managers is to motivate the employee for further work in the organization and for short term bring it to the level of full efficiency in performing its functions. However, both this definition and practice show that the process of employee adaptation in a company can be either controlled or spontaneous, depending on the methods of working with personnel in the organization.

The initial stage of work in a new organization is always a difficult period for any person, regardless of the level of his professional qualities. There is a so-called brain memory that allows you to involuntarily perform actions in a familiar situation. As soon as the situation or actions change, the brain needs to fix, i.e., remember these changes. When changing jobs there are too many of them, the environment becomes different, therefore, a person will be in a state of fear and anxiety for a certain time until he gets used to the new environment. At the same time, expectations are constantly compared with reality, the employee has the following thoughts: “I was counting on...”, “Will it work out...?”, doubts arise: “I should have stayed in the same place/choose a different offer...”. If you do not provide support to a new employee at this stage, you may lose him, which is unacceptable in a situation if he is a qualified specialist whose search was associated with an urgent need and cost significant investments. Such employees are often released with the parting words: “If you decide, come back,” so he can easily return to his previous place of work or move to another company. As a rule, in-demand candidates receive and consider several offers at the same time and often continue to receive them after the choice has already been made. Thus, the initial stage of work in a company is a favorable time for change, because a person is psychologically tuned to positive changes.

“Dear” new employee

A new employee is “dear” to you, more literally than figuratively, this is due to the following:

  • The amount of money, sometimes considerable, spent on selection: payment for job advertisements or recruitment agency services.
  • Conducting interviews, checking references: for an HR manager these are functional responsibilities, but for a manager it is a break from work. A top manager's time is an expensive resource.
  • Attraction labor resources for adaptation, as well as for fulfillment necessary work, which the new employee is not yet able to perform in full.
  • Mistakes that a newcomer may make are usually paid for by the organization. Most often they occur when performing functional responsibilities young specialists with minimal or no work experience, whom the company hires in order to save on wages.

Often the process of employee adaptation is replaced by training. However, adaptation is not only about training, since a new employee can be much more professional than those already working in the company. Training is part of the adaptation system, the purpose of which is to provide the necessary knowledge and develop skills for effective implementation work in this organization. This is especially necessary if preferences in personnel selection are given to employees with minimal or no work experience. If you are convinced of the importance of adaptation, let's consider its components.

Adaptation to the position

An employee needs to understand the formal side of communication that has developed in the organization, namely:

  • The system of subordination, i.e. hierarchy. The most common way to explain this is by looking at organizational structure. However, the position does not always correspond real status employee in the company. In every organization there may be unauthorized leaders, “gray cardinals”, and “insiders”. It is advisable to tell the new employee about such pitfalls in some way.
  • Written and implied powers. They determine not only the vertical, but also the horizontal connections of the employee in the organization, the possibilities of his interaction with employees of other departments. It is advisable to describe the norms of behavior and communication that have developed in the company.
  • The content of documents establishing the level of responsibility and regulating the activities of an employee in the organization. Information about the location and accessibility of these documents should be provided.
  • Information about:
    • organization, its plans, products, clients, competitors;
    • remuneration system, benefits and reasons for incentives;
    • opportunities for career or professional growth.

The new employee partially received information about these aspects at the interview stage. At the stage of starting work in the company, he needs clarification and confirmation of this.

Professional adaptation

Professional adaptation is associated with the following factors:

  • Determining the content of the work, i.e. what should be the result of the activity. It is advisable to explain to the employee which aspects of the work require a special approach, in other words, what the immediate supervisor evaluates when accepting the job.
  • Clarification of the operating features of the equipment. In this case, training, or at least a demonstration of the operation of the equipment, may be necessary.
  • Providing a new employee with a workplace: allocating for him a table, a chair, a cabinet/drawer in the desk, i.e. a small piece of his territory. Psychologists believe that a sense of personal space is necessary. The absence of a workplace assigned to an employee is one of the common reasons for leaving during the probationary period.
  • Determining the documentation requirements for which the employee is responsible. The method of preparing documents may be fundamentally different from the one used at the previous place of work.

Socio-psychological adaptation

The employee gets to know the team, as well as the established norms of communication and current rules. This is an adaptation to the informal side of communication, which is influenced primarily by:

  • manager - a person who evaluates the work and behavior of staff (the subjectivity or objectivity of the assessment, the presence of feedback, the manager’s ability to communicate will affect the psychological state of the new employee);
  • team - colleagues with an already established system of informal relationships, cemented by traditions, gossip, quarrels and attachments (the formation of relationships will depend on both the team and the new employee: goodwill on the one hand, and response on the other);
  • An organization is a common environment for all employees to interact with, with some common rules and norms of behavior that distinguish this company from others. It is important for employees to convey to the newcomer a sense of involvement in a common cause that unites these people.

Let's consider who and how should or can influence the employee adaptation process in the company:

  • Supervisor. He understands well the purpose of the employee’s work and tasks, and is interested in quick returns from the newcomer. However, very often the participation of a top manager is limited to a personal conversation and introduction of the employee to the team. The reasons are not only a lack of time: not every manager is capable, oddly enough, of competently managing people. There are also situations when a manager does not want to interact so actively with his subordinates.
  • Colleagues. In any case, they are involved in the adaptation process, actively or passively participating in it: they suggest, explain, indicate the main points to the new employee. Usually their participation is massive; everyone supports the employee based on their own interests: out of sympathy for the newcomer or out of a sense of self-preservation, if the result of the new employee’s activities can affect the results of the work of his colleagues. If the specifics of a new employee’s activities create competition, it is pointless to count on the support of colleagues: it is not beneficial for anyone to have a strong competitor nearby.
  • HR managers. They know the characteristics of the company, the requirements for the position, and are interested in retaining the employee in the organization. The advantage is that HR managers understand the company’s activities and various personnel procedures, but the disadvantage is their high workload.
  • Involved specialists. In practice, the services of business trainers and consultants are used extremely rarely, in cases where the organization does not have its own resources for high-quality induction of a specialist into a position. In this case, adaptation is combined with training. Large companies turn to external specialists, but this is associated with financial costs and does not replace their own work.
  • Mentors. An organized process for adapting a new employee to a company is usually implemented through mentoring. For us, this is a traditional institution, but in modern companies mentoring can be positioned differently.


Mentoring is an additional burden to the main body of work that requires compensation. With this positioning, it is necessary to develop a motivation system based on both material and non-material incentives. In some situations, employees are happy to mentor, even when they are not asked to do so. For them, this is a way of self-realization or increasing authority. Methods of motivating such personnel are non-material - recognition of merit, moral support, expression of gratitude. However, in most cases, mentoring involves additional monetary compensation.

If the company creates a motivation system, mentoring will affect both the training and discipline of the new employee. Thus, mentoring is positioned as:

  • A mandatory function of a manager, which requires expanding his competencies and fixing them in the job description, so that the top manager understands the amount of personal responsibility. Not every manager is capable of mentoring, but the ability to mentor is necessary for both the subordinate and the manager. In many ways, this form of helping a new employee is similar to goal management.
  • An additional opportunity for a mentor that does not require compensation, since he receives it in the form of a newcomer's work. However, in this situation, the new employee is unlikely to achieve good independent performance in the near future.
  • The common cause of the team, which is associated with the presence of team building skills in the manager. In this case, mentoring will be a task that requires team coordination.

An employee should be onboarded in any company. It is necessary that all processes in the organization are controlled and not run uncontrolled. Mentoring can be effectively developed in those organizations where:

  • employees who require training are hired;
  • there is difficulty in performing the work;
  • there is intensive growth.

It is also worth using the mentoring method in those companies where attention is paid

the formation of organizational culture and teamwork, where the declaration of beautiful phrases by managers develops into actual competence.

Errors when using adaptation programs

The author of the article knows of two well-developed programs for the adaptation of new employees in production and trade organizations. However, their use does not give positive results. Taking into account the errors of such programs, you should:

  1. When creating an adaptation system, it is good to think through support measures - the motivation of employees involved in this process. This can be both collective and personal incentives, including several components, as well as motivation of certain employees. The main thing is to ensure a process of regular execution.
  2. When developing methods for monitoring the completion of adaptation and evaluating results, use the principle of the opposite: the clearer and simpler, the more effective. As Catherine the Great said: “When making a law, put yourself in the place of the one who must obey it.” By following this rule, you will ensure positive results and retain promising employees in your organization.

Currently, employers are experiencing a shortage of employees in many in-demand professions. At the same time, high demands are placed on such specialists, and the wages offered are low. The situation will worsen every year, and in a few years a critical mass of missing personnel will form. It is unknown what measures the government will take, but companies need to look for a way out of the current situation.

  • Adaptation, onboarding


1 -1

From the editor:

Psychological difficulties in the adaptation of newcomers to the church are a problem of all existing Old Believer agreements. The inaccessibility of the clergy, the lack of teaching aids and books for “beginners,” and vigilant church elders in some cases become insurmountable obstacles to a person’s coming to church and full-fledged churching. Today, our regular author tells how in the parishes of the Ancient Orthodox Pomeranian Church, work is organized with people who come - those who want to come to God, those interested in the Old Faith and the Old Believers, the catechumens, those who simply came, as they say, “to see the light.”


« Those who are convinced and believe that this teaching and our words are true, and are promised that they can live in accordance with them, are taught that with prayer and fasting they ask God for forgiveness of past sins, and we pray and fast with them. Then we bring them to where there is water, they are reborn... just as we ourselves were reborn, that is, they are then washed with water in the Name of God the Father and the Lord of all, and our Savior Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit».

Saint Justin the Philosopher (2nd century), teacher of Christian doctrine at the school for catechumens

« So, let him who has spoken the word of piety before immersion be instructed in the knowledge of the Unbegotten, in the knowledge of the Only Begotten Son, in the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Let him study the order of various creations, the ways of providence, the courts of various laws. Let him know why the world was created and why man was made master of the world. Let him study his nature, what it is. Let him know how God punished the wicked with water and fire, and glorified the saints of all times - I mean Seth, Enos, Enoch, Noah, Abraham and his descendants, Melchizedek and Job and Moses, also Jesus and Caleb and Phinehas the priest and the faithful of all times . Let him also know how the providential God did not turn away from the human race, but at various times called him from error and vanity to the knowledge of the truth, leading him from slavery and wickedness to freedom and piety, from unrighteousness to righteousness, from eternal death to eternal life. Let the one who comes study this and what goes with it during the announcement.»

Text of the Apostolic Constitutions (IV century)

Every year in the Old Orthodox Pomeranian Church the number of so-called “native” Old Believers decreases more and more, and the number of newcomers increases. From generation to generation, the indigenous Old Believers, with their free will, zealously preserve the truth of Orthodoxy in order to pass all this on not only to their children and grandchildren, but also to new people coming to the Church of Christ. Faith for indigenous Old Believers is a conscious choice and a vital necessity.

The difficulties that arise during the adaptation of newcomers to the faith, their churching, the education of the Christian spirit and awareness are the problem of all Old Believer agreements. The lack of competent mentors and the lack of proper attitude towards newcomers on the part of native parishioners often make it difficult for a person to fully become a church member. Misunderstandings often arise between natives and neophytes. This occurs when the status of the indigenous Old Believers of a community is determined not by faith, knowledge, Christian life and deeds, but only by kinship.

In turn, native Old Believers do not consider the short period from the moment of baptism of a convert to be the period during which one can get rid of the spiritual burden of a past life. For them, the test of time for a new convert is important. This attitude is determined historical events both in the Ancient Church, and in post-schism Rus', and in all subsequent times, when “newcomers” could betray their faith, their Church, handing over their fellow believers into the hands of torturers. This is a gene of fear, not only for the purity and preservation of the steadfastness of one’s faith, but also for one’s own life, for the life of future generations in the true Church of Christ.

However, difficulties also arise for new Christians: they find themselves in an unfamiliar spiritual world, which must be perceived not just as a letter, but as a spirit. Sometimes, without fully understanding the Orthodox Church tradition, converts come with their own theoretical ideas about Christian life and faith. Attempts are beginning with all their might to reform the Church, to “save” and direct it into a direction that, in their understanding, will make it open to the world, saving and correct. Someone fights in this way with their former confession, for example, coming to the Old Believers as “anti-Nikonianism”, someone - with imaginary violations of the canons, and someone, considering themselves no less than Habakkuk, denounces the “wickedness” of the parishioners and mentor. And only much later comes the understanding that modern Old Believers merely live according to the patristic tradition and act in everything in accordance with Holy Scripture and Tradition. We must not forget about the Christian principle of the closedness and mystery of the Church (Acts 5:13), which helps to preserve the Old Believers in their steadfastness and immutability.

The sacrament of baptism will be fruitless for an unbeliever until he believes with all his soul and unites with the Church. You cannot accept the Old Belief only with your mind. Anyone who accepts the Old Belief only with his mind will later find another religion close to him, and whether to accept it or not will only become a matter of personal choice. For indigenous Old Believers, the question of such a choice is impossible. Different states of spirit in a person - this is what distinguishes a native Old Believer from a convert.

The problem also faces the indigenous Old Believers, who must competently convey to the newcomers the whole essence of the Old Believers. Churching is not limited only to the celebration of the Sacrament - the educational supervision of the community and mentor over the spiritual growth of a newcomer to the Church is mandatory.

The process of churching largely depends on the community into which the convert ends up. If there is a wise mentor in the community who helps the newcomer to feel the Old Believer spirit and way of life not only with his mind, but also with his heart, then, with the help of God, the new convert in a short time accepts the true spirit of the Old Believers and becomes a Christian. In the Old Orthodox Pomeranian Church (hereinafter DOC) there are many examples when newcomers not only became followers of the Old Faith, but also charterers, mentors, and monks.

Thus, in the last monastic monastery of the DOC in the city of Ridder in eastern Kazakhstan, which was once founded by the remnants of the Pokrovsky Ubinsky (Altai) Monastery, famous throughout Russia, both the recently deceased monk Maria and the monk Alexander are not hereditary Old Believers. And before there were quite a few of these among the monks.

Both native and newly converted Old Believers who call themselves Christians should not forget what this name means. So, St. Gregory of Nyssa in his letter to Armonius, he discusses who can call himself true Christian, and cites the story of a monkey as an instructive example.

In Alexandria, one artist taught a monkey to dexterously take on the appearance of a dancer, putting on her the mask and clothes of a dancer. Theater visitors praised the monkey as it danced to the beat of the music. While the spectators were engrossed in the spectacle, exclaiming and applauding the agility of the monkey, one of the people there showed, captivated by the spectacle, that the monkey was nothing more than a monkey. He threw almonds and figs onto the stage, and the monkey, forgetting the dancing, the applause, and the elegant clothes, ran up to him and began to collect what he found by the handful. And so that the mask would not interfere with the mouth, it tried to throw it off, tearing the deceptively accepted image with its claws, so that “instead of praise and surprise, it suddenly aroused laughter among the spectators when, from behind the fragments of the mask, its ugly and funny appearance appeared.

“So,” writes St. Gregory of Nyssa, “just as a falsely accepted appearance was not enough for a monkey to be considered a person, and greed for delicacies exposed its nature, so those who untruly formed their nature by faith, through delicacies offered by the devil , are easily exposed as something other than what they claim to be. For instead of figs and almonds, vanity, ambition, covetousness, passion for pleasure and other evil provisions of the devil of the same kind, being offered instead of delicacies to the greed of people, easily expose monkey-like souls who, through imitation, take on the hypocritical appearance of Christianity. And in times of passion, they cast off the mask of chastity, meekness or some other virtue.”

Therefore, the name “Christian” requires a person to live a perfect Christian life:

Be perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:48).

Teaching the Christian faith, transmitting basic doctrinal truths to those wishing to be baptized, catechumen - this is God’s commandment:

Go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you, says the Lord Jesus Christ to his disciples (Matthew 28:19).

Before a person accepts holy baptism and becomes a true Christian, he becomes a “catechumen”, not yet baptized, but already instructed in the fundamentals of the faith. The need for announcement is indicated in canon 46 of the Laodicean and canon 78 of the Sixth Ecumenical Council.

The catechumen originated in the early days of the Church. Thus, after the sermon of the Apostle Peter in Jerusalem on the feast of Pentecost, about three thousand people accepted Christianity (Acts 2:14-41). Later, he instructed the Roman centurion Cornelius and his relatives in the faith, and then allowed them to be baptized (Acts 10: 24-48). The apostles Paul (Acts 16:13-15), Philip (Acts 8:35-38) and others also did the same.

The firmness of the decision to accept the new faith was tested. During the persecution of Christians, there were cases of their falling away from the Church, therefore, during the period of training, the Church necessarily monitored the catechumens: whether among them there were traitors to Christianity and those who falsely accepted holy baptism. If such were discovered, they were immediately expelled from the meeting of the catechumens. The period of catechumen was long: from three months to three years, and this time was divided into several stages, and the catechumens were divided into different classes. The catechetical conversations of Saints John Chrysostom, Cyril of Jerusalem, Gregory of Nyssa, Ambrose of Milan, Theodore of Mopsuestia, and Augustine the Blessed have reached us.

Modern mentors still turn to the experience of that time, which indicates high level such sermons, since in them the catechumens receive detailed theoretical knowledge about the Christian faith.

From the first days of preparing catechumens for baptism, they received theoretical knowledge about the Christian faith and participated until certain point in worship services. In the temple, the catechumens stood in the back - in the vestibule.

The catechumens had to learn prayer outside the walls of the Temple, as he writes about Kirill of Jerusalem: « Pray often that God will honor you with the heavenly and immortal Mysteries" In addition, the catechumens had to lead a Christian life: fast, keep the Commandments, fight sin, repent of sins before God and people, and correct their spiritual vices. " Those who are going to be baptized need to prepare for this with frequent prayers, fasting, kneeling, vigil and confession of all their past sins...", writes to the catechumens Tertullian.

However, if the catechumens did not leave their sinful life and did not repent of this, then they were transferred to the previous category of catechumens, as if a step back, and they were given an additional period of repentance.

Thus, the history of the emergence and development of the catechumen shows how serious the Church’s attitude was towards future Christians. It was an entire institution of catechumens, with a clearly developed program and well-established discipline. All this gave high-quality knowledge about the Christian faith, warned about the dangers on the path of Christians, and taught how to live like a Christian even before baptism.

The Old Orthodox Pomeranian Church still adheres to a similar program for the catechumens, which allows the catechumens not only to test their desire to accept a new faith and get used to Christian life, but also weeds out people who are not yet ready for Christianity.

Jesus Christ demanded that those who undertake to baptize someone must teach him(Matthew 28:19), and the Pomeranian Church takes a responsible approach to accepting new members into its fold and reverently treats the very sacrament of baptism.

As in previous centuries, the Church holds public conversations with everyone who wants to receive holy baptism.

The announcement is necessary for testing one’s fidelity to Christ, repentance, a change in priorities, values, the entire worldview and behavior of a person. This is where every Christian should begin his church life.

Those who come to the Pomeranian church for the first time and wish to be baptized undergo an interview with a spiritual mentor, talk about themselves and the reasons for their intention. The mentor gives them a sermon about the Christian faith, what Christian life is, how Christianity differs from other religions, and how a Christian should live.

After this, initiation into the catechumens takes place, when the catechumen makes a conciliatory beginning. The moment of announcement in the Pomeranian Church is considered to be the position of the parish leader in the mentor’s cell at the Temple. The mentor explains and shows how to correctly make the sign of the cross and bow.

After this, an approximate date for baptism is assigned, a commandment is given, future recipients are determined, and a Baptism Memo is given. The requirements for recipients are higher than for baptized adults. The recipients must belong to the Church not only formally (that is, be baptized), but also in fact (regularly confess, attend cathedral services), and be able to teach their godchildren the Christian life not only by word, but also by personal example.

Somewhat later, a confessional conversation takes place; before baptism, the catechumen must remember all his grave sins. It turns out whether there are any obstacles, the main of which are drunkenness, smoking, drug addiction and many others.

In 2008, the congress of spiritual mentors of the Ancient Orthodox Pomeranian Church, having considered the canonical foundations and practical order of performing sacraments, services and corrections in the communities of the DOC, established the time of preparation for holy baptism (the announcement) according to Christian custom - 40 days. In this case, the specific period can be reduced or increased and is chosen by the spiritual mentor depending on the readiness of the person being baptized and other circumstances. The order of preparation for baptism (fasting, prayer, fulfilling the commandments) is determined by the spiritual mentor.

A newly converted Christian starts everything from scratch, trying to absorb as much knowledge as possible about the faith, and for this he needs to be dealt with step by step, according to the words of the Apostle Paul, who teaches us that those who struggle on their own do not receive fruit:

If anyone strives, he will not be crowned if he struggles unlawfully (2 Tim. 2:5).

There are few baptisms in the Pomeranian Church; everyone is not baptized. A person goes through the catechumen, prays, fasts, fulfills the commandment, and he is considered to have entered the Christian path. However, if the catechumen has not freed himself from grave sins and has not shown the good fruits of spiritual work throughout his life, then he may be a catechumen for years. And whoever shows by his deeds that he has taken the path, fasts for 40 days, prays, fulfills the commandment, confesses, and only after that receives holy baptism.

In every Pomeranian community there is a person who meets new people in the Temple who want to learn more about the Pomeranian people. They are told about the Christian faith, the history of harmony, and their questions are answered. If there is a service going on, they explain how they should behave in the Temple at the moment, what they can do and what they cannot do, and all questions will be answered after the end of the prayer. A full-fledged Christian life has also been established in the communities, with its spiritual education, continuity and responsibility, warning against the arrogance and arrogance of the indigenous Old Believers and against the incorrect Christian self-awareness and behavior of newcomers. There is always a certain distrust of new people for some time, but this also applies to the indigenous Old Believers who were at odds with the Church. Some time passes and the mistrust disappears.

How can the Church overcome or prevent possible difficulties in the adaptation of newcomers to the Church? First of all, Christian love and patience. Love is the highest commandment of Christianity, which was given by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. A person who does not have love cannot be a true Christian. Judas, who had no love, betrayed the Lord to the Jews.

But he who hates his brother walks in darkness, and does not know where he is going, for the darkness has blinded his eyes (John 2.11).

Adaptation of newcomers to the Church is always a difficult task, however, if Christian life in the community is based on patience and love, according to the Apostle: “ May you have all the love"(Corinth., section 166), then all these difficulties can be easily overcome. And the practice of such activities in the Pomeranian Church, as well as active Christian life with its spiritual fruits, shows the correctness of the chosen path.

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Comments (84)

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  1. It’s interesting how irritated Nikonians (demons?) are when some positive information appears about the priestless people, they just can’t sleep peacefully. There is no such reaction to the priests.

  2. It’s strange to read on such a site admiration for the rituals and beliefs around pancakes and that Maslenitsa is not a period of preparation for Lent, when restrictions already begin, but, on the contrary, a HOLIDAY dedicated to pancakes!
    as if the article was thoughtlessly copied from a secular newspaper

  3. > before baptism, the catechumen must remember all his grave sins.
    > It is determined whether there are any obstacles, the main of which are drunkenness, smoking, ...

    Oh, how curious it is whether this filter really works, especially for drunkenness. In my opinion, there is no such filter in the Russian Orthodox Church.

  4. > and all questions will be answered after the end of the prayer

    I noticed that the staovers like the word “prayer” instead of “service”. I even saw this at Rogozhsky, in the Intercession Cathedral, when my grandfather, instead of “where the service will be,” said “where we will pray.” And there were other cases. I wonder if it’s tradition or just my imagination?

  5. > In every Pomeranian community there is a person who meets new people in the Temple who want to learn more about the Pomeranian people.

    Is it like this in every one? And this is really a representative of the diplomatic corps of the church, and not just another neophyte zealot who recently “escaped from Nikonianism”, standing on the door and vigilantly watching so that Nikonianism does not catch up with him again?

    • I can’t speak for all the communities of the DOC, however, those baptized are probably no longer former Nikonians, but their own people who have come to their senses, who at one time, for certain reasons, fell away from the Church. Although, there are also many Nikonians who have converted. And yet, the policy of the Church is more “internal”, aimed at ensuring that families were completely Christian, and those who had fallen away returned.

      If A.A. Bezgodov is on the site, then let him correct me if this is not the case now.

    • So the Pomeranians are not interested in missionary work?

    • Let's just say that with all the existing opportunities, missionary work, unfortunately, is not developed to the proper extent and has an internal focus.

    • The internal focus is to return those who have fallen away, as I understand it. Why do they disappear? What are they most often “cut off” on?

    • Yes, this is more internal missionary work.
      They disappear for all the same reasons as in other agreements. Often, the Church is remembered only when something happens in the family, grief or some kind of need.
      The temptations of the world, everything that distracts from God, also play their role. Here we are already talking about the strength of faith and the strength of spirit of the parishioner himself, whether he will break under the winds of everyday storms, and whether he will not leave the saving path to the Church.
      However, often “cuts” also occur due to the lack of competent mentors on the ground who know well and are able to convey the apologetics of the Church in a simple form, work with parishioners, and conduct constant preaching. Thank God, the last factor is no longer decisive, mentors are constantly raising the level of education in courses for clergy, literature on the history of the Church is published, and there are many young mentors in communities. And that means it’s not all bad.

    • And if they come to you from the priesthood (or the New Believers), what is the main reason? By what signs do people decide that the priesthood has been lost?

      Well, when a person is born in a priestless state and grows up in it, everything is clear. But if priestlessness becomes an acquired belief, this is already interesting.

    • Right now, one man from the Russian Orthodox Church is among the catechumens. He has become disillusioned with the priesthood.

    • To be disappointed in the priesthood is a strange argument, because the Pomeranians have never been disappointed in the priesthood, but believe that it was exterminated on earth for certain reasons

    • Just the most common and most explainable argument. Most transitions from denomination to denomination are not associated with reading theological works, but with disappointment in the human factor. Disappointment in the priesthood at one time became the reason for the European Reformation.

    • Disappointment in the priesthood is not always associated with the human factor, as we know from history, it has happened that entire communities and even entire assemblies (for example, chapels) have left priestly consents; of course, it also happens in the opposite direction. By the way, not only lay people transfer; sometimes ministers (including priests) also transfer. over the last few years I have known about the transition of 4 priests. (2 from Nikonians, 1 from Uniates and 1 from Protestants). Currently, I know of 2 former Belokrinitsky clerics and 1 former Nikonian deacon serving as mentors in the Pomeranian Concord.

    • As for internal missionary work, which Nina wrote about, it means that, first of all, the efforts of the DOC are aimed at working with such Nikonians or non-baptized ones whose parents or grandparents were Old Believers. But sometimes just outsiders also come. happens with whole families. Often the scheme is like this. We learned about the Old Belief from the Internet (books, TV...), then we became interested, began to study the materials, then turned to the community - a conversation with a mentor or someone else. If people are ready, they put them up for announcement. Next is baptism. The process can be quite long. From personal experience, when communicating with those who come, I introduce them to the history of the Old Believers, I always talk about the consents, in detail about the existence of priestly hierarchies, and ask people to familiarize themselves with the literature of these consents. This is necessary so that the person himself makes a conscious decision and so that he does not later say “I didn’t know, I like it better there.” Also presented necessary requirements, if he smokes, he should quit, if he has tattoos that are contrary to Christianity, he should take it off. if there is no beard, it must grow, and of course fasting and prayer, otherwise they will not baptize. Women have an easier time in this matter. In this regard, of course, the hereditary Old Believers received a “benefits”: they were baptized in infancy and they should not have done any of this.

    • There are significantly fewer problems with neophytes in the DPC. Often the arriving neophyte is burning with the desire for action, in fact, this is what he goes after, having failed to realize himself in another place, he tries to make the Old Belief happy with his presence. In our country, such people are placed on the tabernacle for a year, and they naturally must regularly attend services without praying. if you have enough patience, it will come to baptism, so we explain that the newly baptized for a certain time (1-3-5 years) cannot be a clergyman or occupy leadership positions. All this time he seems to be integrating. It happens that the neophyte disappears already at the stage of such an explanation.
      The priests have a different story with neophytes, because for almost 200 years the entire clergy were neophytes, and even now many are the same. I am sure that some of them remained Nikonians in their mentality, not having time to take root. Hence the less strict qualifications and, as a result, the problems that we have to face.

    • Alexey Alexandrovich, thank you for your answers and additions.

    • Yes, thank you - very interesting answers. But still, the question remains, as I see it - for what are the main reasons for the transition to non-priesthood? Especially if former priests or ministers of the priesthood or the New Believers are transferred. What factors lead them to conclude that the priesthood has been lost?

    • At one time, two New Believers priests approached me in the Grebenshchikov community, “studying” the issue of transition to non-priesthood. Both are banned (one, it seems, was even defrocked). There is no civilian profession. Everything was clear to them right away. I have never even heard of the ideological transition of priests to non-priesthood. There are known cases of transfer of half-educated seminarians (before the revolution, for example, the teacher Nadezhdin)

    • At one time, 2 former priests worked in my brigade - one ran away from the Beglopopovites, the other from the worldly. Both were baptized. True, it should be noted that nothing useful came of them. In the early 90s, Austrian pop moved from Klintsov to Ilyushchenko. This is about those I knew personally. Before deciding to transfer, everyone read the Shield of Faith and Permyakov and so on. literature. So I have no reason to suspect them of being “lack of ideas.”

    • In my opinion, being without a priest is a rather depressing idea for a person who was not born in this environment. Something must happen in her head to the people who suddenly came to her. It’s one thing to decide that there is no grace in this church, but in another there is, that’s why I go there, etc. Another question is to make sure that the grace of the priesthood is nowhere to be found, no matter where you poke it.

    • But you can’t tell from our neophytes that having gone into non-priesthood, they all fell into depression :)
      Regarding the questions of why transitions occur from priesthood to non-priesthood, everything is clear here. Now a lot of apologetics, the works of Pichugin, Khudoshin and other polemicists, the same Shield of Faith and many other publications have begun to be republished. People read, reflect, compare facts, trace apostolic succession and draw conclusions. No one is dragging anyone into priestlessness on the lasso.
      And yes, reading literature about each of the Old Believer movements and agreements is (as A.A. Bezgodov noted above) a prerequisite before moving to the Pomeranian agreement.

    • > But from our neophytes you can’t say that having gone into non-priesthood, they all fell into depression

      Judging by a number of signs, neophytes in general are often driven by protest in relation to where they are leaving from. It’s as if they are running away from the New Believers into the Old Believers (pop. and non-pop.), while not parting with the New Believers and leaving the fight against them as their main idea and task. Most of the conversations on forums are then about “damned Nikonians”, all the world’s evil is also concentrated “in Nikonianism”, etc. and so on. It seems that if not Nikonianism, then there is neither a topic for conversation nor a core for activity.

      And yet it is not clear what is pushing. People most likely begin to read the works of Pichugin, Khudoshin and other polemicists when the seed of priestlessness has already sprouted and is spreading. But something had to put him in prison.

    • I know one former Nikonian priest who was baptized for the reason that he was convinced that he had not been baptized, since he was an Oblivian. He transferred back in the 1970s, at that time he served under the bishop of one of the southern regions, so he says he also saw enough of the customs there. He was baptized to the Pomeranians without any ambitions - he became a simple parishioner, now he is over 70 and has been serving as acting priest for several years. mentor. By the way, those whom I mentioned are themselves clergy, and now serve as mentors in the DOC, but they also did not come for positions, since for a long time they remained simple parishioners. and what positions are there in the DPC? Even if in rare communities we have material support for mentors, it is only purely symbolic. For the most part, mentors are, if not retired, then working; this is precisely the reason for the small number of young mentors in the DPC.

    • But examples of mentors transitioning from Pomeranians to Nikonians just show that they are going after “position,” some for positions, some for money. and there are many such examples. from Vygov times to the present. Thus, people from the Pomeranians and Fedoseevites became not only famous missionaries and priests, but bishops and even metropolitans. There really are no “ideas” here, just ambitions.

    • By the way, Theodosius Vasiliev, the leader of the Novgorod Old Believers, was a Nikonian deacon from the family of a Nikonian priest.

    • < А вот примеры переходов наставников от поморцев к никонианам как раз показывает, что идут за "положением", кто за должностями, кто за деньгами. и таковых примеров много.

      In the Old Orthodox Pomeranian Calendar for 1989, on page 41, there is a photo of the procession in the Grebenshchikov community (in honor of the Celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus' in Riga) where in the center, with a katzeya in his hands, is Father John Mirolyubov, then the second mentor Grebenshchikovskaya community and editor of the above Calendar since 1983. And in 2004, he officially entered the jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate, becoming an employee of the Department for External Church Relations, in 2005 he became Secretary of the DECR MP Commission for Old Believer parishes and interaction with the Old Believers, and in 2015 he was elevated to the rank of archpriest.

    • They are unexpectedly touched by the fact that the Bespopovites still place the position of an Orthodox archpriest of a modest-sized parish above the position of the senior mentor of the Grebenshchikov community of many thousands, who also cares for dozens of parishes in the Baltic countries, Belarus and Poland, and has no other power over himself than God. Regarding past and present material possibilities, in order to judge on this issue, respected opponents should have at least some information, and not conjectures inherent in their imagination.
      In general, I saw an interesting article on the site, telling in very exaggerated tones about an interesting and respectable side of the activities of several urban Pomeranian communities (certainly not the entire Pomeranian Old Belief). It seemed like the discussion was starting to be interesting. But Bezgodov came and mixed not only the flies with the cutlets, but also everything that was on the table into one pile. People, time and events.
      Are New Believers and Old Believers-Priests going over to Pomeranian priestlessness? - They're moving on. And not so little. Although, I dare to think, much more – on the contrary. What are their motives? I think they are very different, including understandable to me. But I would like to hear references to the works of Pomeranian teachers of those times when the Pomeranian Old Belief did not recognize, did not call and could not, in accordance with its teaching, recognize itself as the “Old Orthodox Pomeranian Church” (at best they called themselves “a church society that does not have a church hierarchy,” for what kind of local Church can there be if Grace and Sacraments cease)? Can the Pomeranians formulate these motives more specifically without general words about “knowledge of the true faith”?
      An interesting question is about the transition of priests to non-priesthood. Having good information, I don’t know of such examples, except in cases where the priest can no longer serve, having married again or been defrocked. If I'm wrong, please give an example. Just answer honestly.

    • Interesting discussion! :) And the main thing remains “behind the scenes”. A person who has converted from non-priestdom to the Church PARTICIPATES OF THE HOLY MYSTERIES OF CHRIST.

    • Yes, this is the most interesting thing. The discussion arose against the background of an article about the transition to harmony, where there are NO Holy Mysteries of Christ!
      It is one thing to discuss in principle the motives for the transition of New Believers to the Old Believers, and another to discuss precisely the transition to non-priesthood. There are two categories of people here: formally “Orthodox” who were not churchgoers and had no experience of receiving the Mysteries (this is more or less clear), and truly Orthodox people, including, as they say here, priests. This is exactly what I would like to learn from the author of the article in more detail, without limiting myself to general words.
      So far, a certain priest has been identified (without giving a name or place), who allegedly was baptized again in the 70s and became a Pomeranian. It’s absolutely surprising that I didn’t know and don’t know anything about this. After all, we are talking about a small agreement, where every active and educated person is always visible. Were there reasons to hide? Why now, at the age of seventy, is he not a mentor, but... O. mentor? You don’t have to be a General Staff analyst to draw some conclusions.

    • No one has the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Only some pretend not to know this. I remembered another “priest” from those who crossed over. At the beginning of the 2000s, a certain Oleg-Kapiton lived for a time on Preobrazhenka. Where he slipped further along the confessional plane is unknown. If a welder or an engineer or a professor at the Academy of Management comes over, everything is fine with him. But the priest is restless and cannot sit still. Lo and behold, the next day it will be with agnostics or some kind of jumpers.

    • Convincing and deep. Your credo simply strikes the heart. So are you a jumper or an agnostic? Somehow I didn’t understand.

    • Indeed, no one now has the Holy Mysteries of Christ. There is only external appearance. For example, the Latins also believe that they have Communion, and the Anglicans also think, and the Lutherans, and the Monophysites, etc.

    • Now I understand - from agnostics!

    • Ivan Ivanovich’s modesty is commendable, but he probably forgot that he did not “ideologically” decide to join the Nikonians, even as an ordinary parishioner, but in the “true church”, but still tried to drag the entire Riga community into the Russian Orthodox Church, in order, so to speak, to enter the Russian Orthodox Church as a general white horse However, it failed. And now, of course, you can try on the measured pose of a certain prisoner of conscience who, in his old age, has found a saving haven. Although you still have to earn Judas’ bread, at least in the role of chief overseer over the Old Believers.

    • Doctor of Theology Mr. Mirolyubov probably confused something when talking about the Old Believers Pomeranians, or, as usual, substitutes concepts. There is no teaching about the cessation of grace and sacraments in the Church of Christ in the Pomeranian Old Belief; they only spoke about the cessation of such grace among the Nikonians and about the invalidity of those “sacraments” that are performed there. For example, the position and title that is called Mr. Mirolyubov is simply nothing for the Old Believers. As for the Pomeranians naming their society the Church, the above-mentioned gentleman is ashamed not to know this as a former Pomeranian mentor. Thus, in the Pomeranian responses compiled by the Vygov Fathers, they universally call their society the Ancient Orthodox Church. Same thing in other polemical books. As they say, study the materiel, comrade Anatoly.

    • At the Third All-Russian Council (2006, St. Petersburg), a definition was adopted “On the historical exhaustion of the search for a pious priesthood in this world” (see more), which doctrinally generally removes this Old Believer agreement from the field of Orthodox dogmatics. It is clear that the Nikonians do not have Grace, but the Pomeranians do! Although for many this is big news!
      I thank Bezgodov for understanding that it is better, in good conscience, to leave a society perceived as false, not alone, but to try to save the flock. This was largely successful.
      Even without a doctorate in theology, it is useful to know that the word “church” has at least six meanings. In the sense of earthly organization, the term “Old Orthodox Pomeranian Church” first appeared in the 20s in Poland, where the Pomeranians received state registration and some preferences.
      Deputy Chairman of the Russian Council of the DPTs Bezgodov knows the materiel not only poorly, but does not know it at all.

    • Mr. Bezgodov, why did you decide that I am your comrade? And who is Anatoly?

    • No, brother Old Believers without priests, not everything is as simple as you want :). Isn't denying the priesthood and sacrament of the Eucharist blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?
      People who have moved from non-priesthood to the Church are worthy of deep respect. How much internal struggle they overcame on the way to communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ! I know such people, including a fairly young priest of the Russian Orthodox Church, and I admire them :). I deeply respect the non-priests too, I bow to their asceticism and standing in faith. But I feel sorry for them...
      May Christ have mercy on us, Russian people! I only trust in the mercy of God.

    • Vladimir: “Isn’t denying the priesthood and sacrament of the Eucharist blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?” you probably forgot that we are not children of the Russian Orthodox Church and never have been, for us the Nikonian priesthood and sacraments are graceless and heretical. It would be blasphemy against the Holy Spirit if we recognized such a priesthood. Denial of heresy is the main duty of a Christian.

    • You are our dear little man, but did I write that you are my comrade? Your pity is touching; it would be better to pity the tens of thousands of Christians tortured by the Nikonians and the million expelled from the country. At the same time, you regret the lack of communion and priesthood among the priestless people; you probably don’t want to remember why we don’t have it. The Old Believers Pomeranians do not deny the sacraments and priesthood, but do not have them due to many reasons, the main one of which is the repression imposed by the Nikonians (modern Russian Orthodox Church). And now the descendants and spiritual followers of the executioners are trying to “take care” of the victims, they say, poor things, how can you live without the priesthood. Thank you for your concern, but we don’t need a heretical priesthood like yours. And the decision of the 2006 Council is absolutely correct and timely. It’s good that at least some Nikonians are beginning to realize that Pomeranian Old Belief is not part of the “area of ​​Nikonian dogmatics.” The Old Believers Pomeranians, following Christian canon law, certainly reject the presence of any grace among the Nikonians, as a heretical community located outside the Church of Christ (in all 6 semantic concepts of this word :))) We do not need your Nikonian-Old Believer ecumenism.

    • Mr. Bezgodov, what you just wrote is known to everyone. And here is the phrase: There is no teaching about the cessation of grace and sacraments in the Church of Christ in the Pomeranian Old Belief, it was only said about the cessation of such grace among the Nikonians and the invalidity of those “sacraments” that are performed there." - this is a sensation for many. It’s not enough that there is nothing like that no in the “Pomeranian Answers”, so this contradicts the whole ideology of non-priesthood. Then you corrected yourself, but also not entirely successfully: what about Grace among the Old Believers-Priests? Who did they torture? And the Greeks, or, say, the Serbs with all sorts of things? Who was tortured by Georgians there?
      “The denial of heresy is the main duty of a Christian” - this is also simply incomparable. I don’t even dare to comment.
      For the external reader. No one even thinks about offering the Sacraments and Priesthood to the Bezgodov community. They don't need it. Everyone can judge the results of the absence for themselves, even based on the controversy that has arisen. But the question was simple: what can prompt an Orthodox person who has the EXPERIENCE of receiving the Sacraments to convert to non-priesthood? The Pomeranians avoided the question - they turned to my personality, or rather to their ideas about it, and then switched to priestless platitudes. Sorry if I expressed myself poorly.

    • >"In the sense of earthly organization, the term "Old Orthodox Pomeranian Church" first appeared in the 20s in Poland" -

      The largest spiritual center of Pomeranian harmony appeared back in 1694, when a community was founded on the Vyg River - the Vygov hostel. The official church organization was formed after the publication of the manifesto on April 17, 1905 “On Freedom of Religion.” After the Second All-Russian Council, in 1912, the Church Society of Old Believers-Pomeranians began to be called the Old Believer Pomeranian Church.
      It’s not clear what this has to do with the timing of the appearance of the official term DPTs? Or do paperwork and registration somehow affect Church grace?

    • For Vladimir. Blasphemy not only against the Holy Spirit, but also against the entire Holy Trinity. What kind of poor understanding must one have of the Omnipotence of God if one denies His ability to support or restore the Gifts once given? Why was the Sacrifice needed? Why Atonement? Why the Church? (not the one that is the Old Orthodox Pomeranian)
      I can only add that I did not choose priestlessness, I was born into it. And even more important: “Pomeranian Answers” ​​is a smart and correct book. There is not even a hint of the nonsense that can sometimes be read or heard today. Until the mid-nineteenth century, the Pomeranian fathers attempted to restore the priesthood. I knew many long-gone Pomeranian mentors: with rare exceptions, they were very worthy and intelligent people. They avoided nonsense. True, not all. I don’t even want to discuss what has replaced them.

    • Vladimir. The point, of course, is not the registration of the name, but the formation of self-awareness as an earthly Church. Study the issue in more detail, including the materials of the Second Council. They show how the idea was mature, but then it was still only MATURE. And when it matured, Pomeranian “priests” appeared, who relatively recently in Lithuania even tried to wear pectoral crosses.
      This is a very interesting topic - the transformation of Pomeranian teaching, the creation of a new church structure and the consolidation of dying non-priestly agreements. There were, of course, dissenters (compare the representativeness of the First and Second Councils).
      The topic is very difficult. It seems to me that modern Pomeranians have a poor understanding of their own history, believing that everything took shape on Vyga.
      But I lost interest in this a long time ago, when I figured out a lot of things. That's why I'm finishing.

    • < Знал многих давно ушедших поморских наставников: за редким исключением это были очень достойные и неглупые люди.
      <Поморские отцы вплоть до середины девятнадцатого века предпринимали попытки священство восстановить

      Why then did these intelligent and worthy people never restore the priesthood? This means they realized that it was lost. So, did you understand that a visible action, a masquerade, will never become true, in which the grace of the Holy Spirit will appear? Apostolic succession has been broken; who, excuse me, ordained your bishops, etc.? Aren't they New Believers? Where do they get this grace from if they have long ago trampled on the true faith?

    • Or do you naively believe that in a heretical society the Lord will support or restore this one day? Why should this happen for crucifiers and persecutors, for heretics and His blasphemers? Some kind of sectarian idea that God will forgive everyone for everything and show grace. Also say that there is no hell or eternal torment. The history of the ancient Church teaches that when one admires something ungifted, one pays terribly for it.

    • >I can only add that I did not choose priestlessness, I was born into it.
      > in all conscience it is better not to go out alone, but to try to save the flock. This was largely successful.

      It is very unfortunate that you write about this with regret. You need to feel sorry for your current self. He betrayed the faith of his fathers and dragged Christians with him into a heretical society.

    • >But the question was simple: what can prompt an Orthodox person who has the EXPERIENCE of receiving the Sacraments to convert to non-priesthood? The Pomeranians avoided the question and turned to my personality

      Your personality is not that great, however, if you had to write about it, it was only in the context of betrayal of the true faith and the choice between unpaid positions in non-priesthood and “fat” ones in Nikonianism. Our mentors, compared to you, of course, are poor (with rare exceptions); they have to serve in the Church and work in the world, and provide for their families. Therefore, it was about career ladders and money. And not in terms of what a great archpriest you are.

    • > awareness of the gracelessness of these very sacraments,

      How was this measured? What did it relate to? How did you manage to give grace some kind of characterization in order to draw a conclusion about its absence? Why was the lack of grace of the sacraments attributed to the lack of grace of the priesthood, and not own life and prayers?

      > and, of course, the eccentricities of the priesthood, the unclean reputation of the elite
      > Churches and much more, you really don’t know.

      Didn't all this happen before the split? Since the early church? Everything was never good. "The Church is like my body - everything hurts and there is no hope." This is what one of the church fathers said.
      Why then didn’t they renounce the priesthood and sacraments earlier, why did they wait and sing for so long, until Nikon?

    • > How did you manage to give grace some kind of characterization in order to draw a conclusion about its absence?

      The Apostle Paul says that the grace of God is in truth (Col. 1-6). Even visible stay in the Church turns out to be hypocritical if a person does not confess the truth as the Apostles and Holy Fathers teach, and even more so the heretics who distorted Church dogmas, and thereby (by distorting them), they have already fallen away from the Church. Need I say how many distortions and heresies the New Believers introduced?

      Having been deprived of the true Church (which they themselves burned at the stake, tortured and starved to death, quartered, hanged, etc. “Church” read here - a meeting of the faithful), heretics (new believers) lose grace, and their sacraments cannot in any way be considered grace-filled.

      The 46th Apostolic Canon commands to deprive those who consider the baptism and Eucharist of heretics to be valid: “We command that bishops or elders who have accepted the baptism or sacrifice of heretics be deposed. What agreement does Christ have with Belial, or what part does the faithful have with the infidel?”

    • I am writing about eccentricities and reputations from the words of people who have become priestless. In their words, and according to their stories. People are "tired of heresy and ecumenism."

    • Tired of “heresy and ecumenism” in the Russian Orthodox Church, one could go to the Russian Orthodox Church or the Russian Orthodox Church. Why was it that the entire priesthood was taken away because of the illnesses of one church organization? After all, they don’t refuse all medicine because of a negligent therapist? Moreover, medicine is not recognized as false and harmful in the presence of system-wide problems throughout the Ministry of Health. It just becomes difficult to find treatment, a good doctor, in many ways you have to start to understand better yourself.

    • Physician Christ. Christ allowed the priesthood to cease. Therefore, there is no difference between the Russian Orthodox Church, the Russian Orthodox Church, the Russian Orthodox Church, the Russian Orthodox Church, head-on or face-to-face.

    • The question was how non-indigenous non-priests came to the conclusion about ending the priesthood. If the unholiness of priests is a reason for them to doubt the presence of the grace of the priesthood, then perhaps it is a matter of an incorrect assessment of the characteristics of the priesthood? Who said that priests have to be saints? We have an institutional, not a charismatic priesthood.
      And what should we do if, in the absence of a priest, it turns out that the mentors are also “not saints”? Well, in general, you can then lose faith in everything.

    • Here, I found this on the topic of whether priests should be saints and how this relates to their grace or lack of grace:
      There are two principles for organizing the life of a religious community.

      On the one hand, the principle is charismatic, when the leader of a religious community becomes a person who has obviously higher gifts than his flock: personal, magical gifts, an “advanced” yogi or shaman, or obviously greater knowledge in the religious field. Well, let's say, a rabbi or a mula are people who do not have any special spiritual gifts greater than those of the parishioners, but they have studied the relevant books for many years and they have more erudition in these matters. This principle of community organization can be very effective, but it has one drawback: it is difficult to ensure continuity, especially when we are not talking about erudition, but about personal spiritual experience, which is very difficult to translate into adequate words and very difficult to convey to another person. Therefore, such charismatic movements can quickly flare up and then fade away, mutate, change into something completely opposite to the initial one.

      There is another principle of organizing a religious community - institutional priesthood. This is when it is believed in a given community that when a person holds a position, then Heaven gives him special gifts necessary to correct this position. This formula was expressed very clearly by Erasmus of Rotterdam, a European humanist who defended Catholicism from Martin Luther. In a letter to Luther, Erasmus of Rotterdam wrote: “Whoever God has given office to, God has poured out the gifts of the Holy Spirit.” That is, the Russian proverb says that “it is not the place that makes the man, but the man the place” - here it’s the other way around. So, what is the advantage of this kind of position? A clear line of continuity, some such at least external self-identity of this religious tradition. The downside is that again there may be a mutation, but such an imperceptible one, that is, a person deprived of personal spiritual gifts may end up in power.

      The Orthodox tradition absorbs both, the pros and cons of both of these systems. That is, on the one hand, we have what is called eldership, personal clergy, the search for a personally spiritually gifted mentor. On the other hand, there is the institutional clergy. What are the advantages? When I go to communion, I don’t have to confess to the priest. That is, I can trust any canonical priest when I come for the sacrament, and I don’t have to interrogate: “Father, did you fast this week, didn’t you watch TV, didn’t you talk to your wife last night? No? Well then, okay, then so be it, let’s give me communion, you deserve it, you’re worthy of it.” That is, you can do without such a circus.

      There are those gifts that the Lord gives to his Church, and these gifts are transferred to the Church through the hands of the priest. A priest is an intermediary between God and the church people only in this sense, like an intermediary is a postman who brings you a valuable parcel. That is, the priest is not a mediator in the sense that he prays for you. How often do sectarians say: “We pray directly to God, and not through the priest as you do.” Sorry, none of us pray to God through the priest. Each of us prays to God personally and directly, both in church and at home, etc.

      But we can receive some gifts from God to people precisely through the Church and church sacraments. There are gifts that can be accepted directly and personally: the sanctification of one’s soul, etc. But some gifts are given through church-wide sacraments. So these sacraments are given by God so that the priest, even if he is an unworthy priest, would not become a plug that plugs the flow of grace from the Lord to His parishioners when the parishioners are more worthy than their pastor (this happens often).

      But there is another situation when people turn to the priest as a person. Not as a function - when it comes to marrying or baptizing you - what difference does it make what this priest's name is, Father Vasily or Father Nikolai? And when it comes to getting spiritual experience and advice, then it is very important what this priest’s name is, what his experience is, what his personal spiritual life is.

    • I am a non-indigenous non-priest follower. I was convinced of the absence of a true priesthood by a priestless mentor. There is no priesthood not because some priests are bad, but because it has fallen into heresy. The Lord allowed the end of the priesthood. If the salt overpowers you, then what will you use to salt it?

    • Why refuse the priesthood even if there are suspicions that it has lost grace? After all, the biggest risk is that the sacraments will not be performed and the prayers with the priest will be the same as the prayers of the laity alone. Which is essentially what happens in non-priesthood. No one has measured grace unambiguously, there are sacraments, there are no sacraments, how gracious they are, to whom God gives grace through whom and how - because we do not know this for certain. So why invent your own teachings, if you can stick to the old ones, and participate in prayers with priests, also trusting in the mercy of God, even if the priest is no longer a priest?

    • So that a faithful person praying with an infidel becomes an infidel himself. And this so-called priest carries a heretical spirit within himself.

    • God can raise bishops for himself out of stones, all priestless logic is pure dead heresy and unbelief, God can ordain a peasant through prayers from heaven, without any continuity, just as God ordained the apostles. A masquerade is priestless mentors pretending to be priests and prodigal cohabitation pretending to be a marriage, this is a real masquerade. The true Church of Christ is only the Russian Orthodox Church.

  6. Interesting. Much has been written about the catechumenate and baptism of adults, but what happens to infants? Do Bezpopovites baptize babies? And then what about the announcement?

Mikhail Pritula

Head of HR Preply. Previously worked at Wargaming, STB, Alfa-Bank. More than 12 years in HR.

The topic of employee adaptation, or, as it is called in the West, onboarding, has been the subject of many studies, articles, recommendations, and even books in the style of “Your first 90 days on the job.” new job" I won’t overload you with book mentions, statistics, links, etc., but I’ll get straight to the point and give some advice from my 12 years of experience in HR.

Adaptation does not happen on its own

No matter how cool the professional is. There is a widespread belief that if we hire a super cool professional, he will certainly figure out what to do and how to adapt. Like, this is almost a sign of a professional. If you haven’t adapted, it means you’re not a pro. Next!

In fact, in the best case, adaptation will be delayed and the employee will reach full capacity in 3–6 months (depending on the level of the position and the complexity of the position). With high-quality adaptation, this period is halved.

How much are you paying your new marketing director? $5,000 a month? And do you think your efforts are worth the $15,000 you'll save the company? It’s a pity for agencies to pay you three salaries for searching for candidates, but you easily lose them during onboarding?

The first day is critical

So, you understand that adaptation is an extremely useful thing. What to do, where to run? Do you urgently need to hire an HR manager who will handle the adaptation of your employees? No, first calm down. 90% of the success of adaptation lies in the first working day, and the manager can do it efficiently himself. But you have to prepare.


Make sure that the documents are signed by this time (employees do not like it when signing documents with the company takes several days). It's better to do this in advance if possible.

At STB, for example, we sent out a candidate questionnaire, which the person filled out at home and sent to us. In 1C we had templates for all contracts, where we uploaded the candidate’s application form and printed all the documents in 5 minutes. The employee will not have to wait for your HR officer to type his information by hand.

At Preply, we generally sign all contracts in DocuSign; we don’t even have the concept of going to the HR department. The person sends a scan of their passport, we add it to the contract, upload it to DocuSign and send it to the CEO and employee for signature. The signature is digital, you can even sign it from your phone.

Workplace and necessary accesses

All accounts must be created: mail, Slack, etc. We do this immediately after signing the contract.

Check that the computer is ready, the table and chair are waiting for the owner. The icing on the cake is a beginner's package: pen and notepad with company logo, T-shirt, sticker set, badge ribbon, company badge (budget: $10-$15).

Getting to know the office and employees

Employees must be informed. If the company employs less than 100 people, we write in Slack who has joined us, and leave a link to the profile on LinkedIn (in Russia - on Facebook). If the company has more than 100 people, we do the same, but only within the department (which also has up to 100 people).

On the first day, give us a tour of the office: here we have a kitchen, here is a toilet, here is a meeting room (which we book like this), we smoke here, here is the accounting department, and here is our director’s favorite pony.

Introduce the newcomer to those sitting next to you: “Colleagues, just a moment, you have joined us (...), please love and favor.”

How to behave if you...


Congratulations, you have the honor of onboarding a new employee. No one will do this for you, but they will definitely be able to help. So, what is required of you:

  1. Meet the employee in the morning. Mark it immediately on your calendar or ask HR to always mark the new employee's start dates.
  2. Show him around the office. Show the workplace, check that the employee is logged in everywhere.
  3. Spend an hour talking with the newbie. Talk about your company, division, and main tasks (general and personal). Tell what the employee needs to learn in the first week, what is expected of him in the first three months.
  4. Smile. This is extremely important. Even if half your face is paralyzed, smile with the rest of your face. I'm serious, don't be a jerk, employees come to the company and leave the manager.
  5. Set tasks and record them in writing, at least send them in the form of a letter by mail (this is after the meeting, when the tasks were discussed orally).
  6. Give it all Required documents and accesses.
  7. Select an experienced and outgoing person on your team and assign him or her as a mentor for the employee. A newcomer can contact him with all questions.

New employee

  1. Think about what information you are missing and where you will get it. Feel free to ask questions.
  2. Understand your goals for the first week, month, three months. If the manager does not voice it, ask yourself.
  3. Write down the names of everyone you meet. In general, at first I recommend writing everything down: the amount of information is large and will definitely be forgotten.
  4. Tell us very briefly about yourself every time you meet, for example: In a startup environment, this is called “pitching” or elevator speech. Prepare in advance. For new employees, you are nobody until you tell them about yourself. Don't miss the chance to make a good impression right away.
  5. If the position involves introducing changes in the company, it is easiest to make them in the first 60 days, then it will be harder. Especially if you need to make unpopular or simply difficult decisions: hiring, firing employees, transferring to another position, moving to a new one software, a new reporting form, process restructuring, investment in something new.
  6. Plan small victories, they will help build trust in you. For example, choose small tasks that you can accomplish in the first 60 days and focus on them. Set aside tasks that require more than 60 days of your work for now. Here I would give an analogy with the Agile approach to programming, when we do not try to make a very large and very complex product at once, but divide it into parts and develop it step by step.
  7. Set up 30-minute meetings with everyone you'll work with. Prepare a list of questions in advance and write down the answers.
  8. Ask what works well, what works poorly, and what needs to be changed. You will gather a lot of information and build trusting relationships.
  9. Conduct an audit and present the results if you are a manager or an expert.
  10. Arrange for regular one-on-one meetings with your manager to share results and receive feedback.
  11. Smile at your colleagues. Nobody wants to work with surly employees, even if you're currently stressed.


I could write a whole book, but I’ll give you some of the most important tips:

  1. Make it a newbie day: gather them in front of old employees and ask them to briefly introduce themselves (5 minutes). We do this at Preply, and it works really well.
  2. Use special software to set up notifications for the employee and everyone involved so that they don’t forget what needs to be done when the employee leaves. We use BambooHR, which has an Onboarding section that allows you to set up notifications for any employees with any tasks and deadlines. For example, three days before an employee leaves, the admin receives a notification about the creation account, and on the day of release - the manager about the need to set tasks.
  3. Communicate regularly with newcomers. If you don't have an HR business partner, have your recruiters talk to new recruits once a week.


Of course, as a colleague you don't have any responsibility for onboarding newcomers, but you can definitely benefit from it. People remember well who helped them in difficult moments(although they don’t always say this publicly), so you have every chance to build a good relationship with a newcomer and then count on his help. Here are some tips:

  1. Meet first. Come up and say: “Hi, my name is Misha, I’m Head of HR here. I see you’re new, let’s get acquainted.”
  2. Tell him to contact you with any questions.
  3. Tell us what you consider important and necessary.
  4. Invite them to lunch.
  5. Ask the newcomer about past experiences, plans and goals. Provide information useful to achieve them.


Adaptation in many companies is either not carried out or is carried out extremely poorly, as a result of which both the business and the employee suffer. The reason is a lack of understanding of the process on both sides. The simple tips described above will help significantly improve the onboarding process in your company, even if you do not have HR employees.

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