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Ventilation system

Green tea is a perennial shrub whose young leaves are collected, dried and used to prepare the drink. Tea bushes are grown in ecologically clean mountain areas. About the benefits of different...
Documents about the repressed
Veteran of the Great Patriotic War I.Golovinov still has not received housing. Moreover, before the holidays he will publish a newspaper (!)...
Dream interpretation of a hawk, why do you dream of a hawk in a dream?
The hawk is a symbol of cruelty and courage. A hawk is a bird of prey. These birds have a sharp...
Trinity and Spiritual Day: Prohibitions and beliefs, signs and fortune telling, traditions and customs
Animal protection organizations throughout Russia are demanding recognition of the use of animals for...
Care after genital wart removal
Genital condylomatosis is difficult to treat, since a viral infection, once in...
How the image of the twelve Red Army soldiers changes in poem A
The poem “The Twelve” - a response poem to the accomplished revolution - differs in style from...
Individual entrepreneurs: taxes and mandatory payments Taxes and mandatory contributions increase
Hello, dear readers of the site magazine! Today we will talk about taxation of individual entrepreneurs...
Routes of transmission of HIV infection: realities and fictions
Attention: this article is intended for persons over 18 years of age. HIV (immunodeficiency virus...
Anise: medicinal properties and contraindications
Common anise is a member of the Apiaceae family. This is an annual plant, the name...
Emotional Intelligence Test (Hall)
We told you which emotional intelligence test to choose, what it can help you find out...
What materials to choose for men's socks?
Socks rightfully deserve the title of one of the most insidious items of clothing. Having allowed the slightest...
2024 About comfort in the home. Gas meters. Heating system. Water supply. Ventilation system