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Game for two fart fart. Fart games Game who farted

The Fart Brothers games attract people primarily by their name. What are these strange names? Native? Or are they characteristic of the characters? In the case of the Pook brothers, both answers will be correct. The heroes of the game of the same name live in an African tribe and look exactly like the aborigines. But unique features help them jump high and move quickly - with the help of farts, the guys can fly high, jump far and solve a lot of problems. Interested? Then we invite you to the game!

There are several options for completing the plot: fart brothers for two and a single game. The choice determines whether there is a friend nearby who would like to share the fun of the original quest with funny characters.

Pay attention to the war paint of the heroes: one has blue lines, the other has red lines. This feature will help in collecting totems and bonuses, some of which are given to only one player. How to choose? By color!

The plots of the game are built on the principles of adventure games. The task is different everywhere, but most often it is expressed in the search for magical totem masks. The further the journey, the more difficult the adventure. But brave users can do all of them. Moreover, the Puk brothers are always ready to share positivity and cheerfully rush towards new dangers. Catch up!

Funny games Pucca became a continuation of comics, cartoons and books about an eleven-year-old girl Pucca from South Korea. Its popularity is undeniable, as evidenced by products with the brand’s logo: stationery, dishes, clothing and even food.
The main character of the game, Pucca, lives in a place called Suga, and is the daughter of the owner of a small restaurant. In adolescence, all the girls are in love with someone, and she chose twelve-year-old Garou, who is fond of martial arts, as the object of her adoration.
In the animated series, the story is practically devoid of dialogue, and the events are based on pantomime. Pukki’s attempts to kiss Garu, taking advantage of the privacy of the situation, look funny and touching.

Characters of the story

  • Pucca is the main character who is in love.
  • Garu is the object of Pukki's excitement. He selflessly practices ninjutsu, dreaming of returning his native clan to the former greatness of ninja masters. Devoting more time to training, he often deprives the girl in love of attention.
  • Ching is Pukki's friend who is about to marry Garu's sparring partner Abio.
  • Abio is the son of a policeman and, unlike Garou, specializes not in ninjutsu, but in kung fu. He has an unusual habit - tearing off his own clothes, shouting “kiya” at this moment. He is a bit arrogant and thinks he is better than Garou. He is also a master at charming girls.
  • Tobe is a local villain who hates Garou with a passion. His long-standing dream is to kill the boy, destroying plans to revive the glory of his clan. But all attempts to carry out his plans are interrupted by Pucca - a woman in anger can be terribly convincing. You can recognize Tobe by the X-shaped scar on his face.

In addition to the presented heroes, in the plots of the Pucca game there are also other people: all sorts of little people; ninja; deity living in the clouds; Santa Red Lantern, always laughing; three loser shamans who have no luck getting food.

Always close to Pucca

All the characters in the game Pucca look unique - small, round, with large heads and miniature bodies. This makes them comical, but the stories themselves are built on humor.
With the main character, her friends and opponents, you will go on a journey through stories that will contain interesting topics for girls and boys:

  • Puzzles
  • Race
  • Catching objects
  • Kisses
  • Character Creation
  • Search for pairs and elements
  • Memory training
  • Cafe
  • Shooting
  • Embroidery

Pucca's game of destroying clones is reminiscent of checkers. Evil clones oppose Pukki, and they multiply, moving around the squares. To defeat them, help Pucca multiply her own doubles by guiding her forward across the cells, jumping over enemies, changing them with herself.
Pucca also practices accurately shooting colorful beans from a slingshot. She needs to aim at the squares of the same color as the pea in her hands in order to break them. We need to practice so that the girl becomes an excellent shooter.
Fly a kite with the heroine while playing Pucca games. She runs quickly and does not notice that the sky is full of sharp stars that will tear the toy. By controlling the arrows, do everything to make the kite stay in flight longer.
You can also take control of Garu, who is running away from Pucca. She has already tortured him with her kisses, and he is running away from her as fast as he can. To avoid falling, avoid falling noodles hitting the boy. But Pucca doesn’t try to run after him. She stands quietly below and simply blows kisses to the young man, and when they touch him, he flashes red. But girls will be pleased with the opportunity to kiss Gara long and sweetly in another game. However, beware of other people's glances so as not to lose your points.

Farting brothers - what could be more fun? In this game you have to control two brothers who really like to eat some nuts. And perhaps it is because of these nuts that they constantly fart. True, they fart for a reason, they do it with such force that the pressure of gases literally lifts them into the air, thanks to which they have the opportunity to reach those things that ordinary people cannot reach. Your goal in this game will be to collect totems of different colors, and you can collect them only by joining forces with your friend, well, or brother, depending on who is sitting at the other half of the keyboard.

You can be proud of different things, sometimes not quite ordinary ones. Online games fart brothers for two are excellent proof of this statement. The two brothers were given the honor of searching for individual parts of the tribe's totem precisely because of their ability to skillfully release gases. Help the heroes save their native tribe, they have enough enthusiasm, but it’s up to you to skillfully lead the farting couple in games for two with such an unusual plot. In this case, you only need to coordinate their actions; the brothers will handle the rest on their own.

The louder you fart, the faster you win

Everyone flies differently. Someone does this with the help of wings or a fabulous carpet of an airplane, and our valiant brothers from a series of fun platformers simply push harder in order to take off. It was this unusual gift that was appreciated in their native tribe. By the way, in the tribe itself, the ability to release farts loudly and deliciously is worth its weight in gold. It was only thanks to this that the good, nice savages survived. These good-natured natives elevated vegetarian food to a cult, and the ability to fart loudly began to be considered a gift from heaven. Peacefully growing beans and potatoes, the tribe was forced from time to time to defend itself from uninvited guests, of whom, by the way, there were not so many. After all, not everyone will want to once again voluntarily get involved with a flying squadron of skunks in human form.

However, despite all the precautions, the game of the puk brothers tells the story of how the tribe suffered at the hands of vandals who mercilessly stole the sacred totem. It was then that the tribesmen began to look for the best of the farts. They turned out to be the fearless brothers Jack and Tony. Their ability to masterfully release gases and rise high in such a simple way was appreciated by the Puk tribe. And the trust placed, as we know, must be justified.

In order to provide all possible help to harmless natives, it is not at all necessary to devour mountains of pies with peas, eating it all with beans carefully seasoned with sour cream. Brave legume lovers can handle this on their own. But the players will have to coordinate their actions. And only a well-coordinated game between two people can lead them to victory. The game Fart Brothers for two will appeal to all fans of collective action games. After all, exciting adventures and interesting tasks await you here. The brothers will have to overcome all difficulties only together.

Become a member of the farting team

Any mistake threatens failure. But if the fate of the native tribe is at stake, experiencing superstitious fear due to the absence of its shrine, which has served as protection and support for many years, then you need to try to get out of any situation with dignity. Moreover, with such potential, nothing is impossible. There are many obstacles on the way, but they can be overcome. Kids will have to overcome water obstacles, avoid traps for wild animals, and sometimes even confront the predators themselves. There are more than enough dangers! The path to victory is far from easy, but the brave Papuans know for sure that even a cannibal will be too tough for them if they just pout harder and fart louder.

They are deservedly proud of their unusual gift and every time they soar upward, they hone their own skills. One can only envy the efforts and perseverance of Tony and Jack. The brave Indians have plenty of potential. The guys have 100% confidence in success. So, constantly farting, they move from level to level. A cheerful soundtrack and excellent graphics do their job. Perky and funny adventure games about bunch of brothers are in demand by many fans of double play in one car.

Features of controlling the bunch brothers

There are a number of features in games about the fart brothers. First of all, you should remember that the little nimble guys have only three lives between them. So get used to the fact that swimming is prohibited, you need to jump over sharp stakes, and generally behave as carefully as possible and constantly move at a minimum distance from each other.

However, you simply won’t be able to go far on your own. The fact is that the game is designed in such a way that both characters are simply forced to be in each other’s field of vision. Only by closing the gap between Jack and Tony do players have the opportunity to continue the adventure. Each of the young farts can carry only one part of the treasured totem. So you will have to return to the altar periodically.

At the treasured pillar, each of the brothers will have to fart a little; this is simply necessary for the correct placement of the found parts of the relic. When you play fart brothers for two, you must understand that the collective component is very important in this game. Without switching certain mechanisms, in some cases it is impossible to achieve the goal. This is where mutual assistance comes in handy. In this case, one of the players will have to control the switch, and the other will hasten to get the next part of the sacred amulet.

The keys that will help the brothers move are familiar to games of this kind. To move and gas attacks for Jack, use W, A, D, and to control Tony, use the arrow keys. In order to fly as high as possible, you need to hold down the W key or the up arrow. And even though the fart brothers have practically no weapons in their arsenal, they do have the treasured jet thrust, which can always be pumped up using the anus. This is partly what makes this series of platformers unusual and in demand among gamers.

Favorite Pucca

Love Pucca

Pucca: Hidden Stars

Pucca Ride

Pucca games online

Best New By rating

Pucca's Kiss

Favorite Pucca

Love Pucca

Pucca: Hidden Stars

Pucca Ride

Pucca games – play for free online

Pucca Games: Love Story

The popularity of not only cartoons, comics and books, but also the Pucca game is evidenced by the fact that images of the characters can be seen on clothes, school supplies, dishes and products. The main character is a South Korean teenage girl, Pucca, who is in love with a young man, Garu. Even though the age difference is only a year (Puke is 11, and Gaku is 12 years old), but in her eyes he is almost a man, and her heart strives for him, overcoming any obstacles.
The heroes live in a small, secluded place called Suga, where everyone knows each other. Even in such a secluded settlement there are clans that are in conflict. Among the residents there are friends and enemies, mutual assistance and rivalry.
The first animated releases were action-based and had virtually no lines. It was funny to watch Pucca trying to use every moment to kiss Garu.

More about the heroes

It's time to get to know the characters of the game Pucca before you go on adventures with them.

  • Pucca is the daughter of a restaurant owner who is madly in love with Garu.
  • Garu is the hero of Pukki's dreams and a martial artist. He perfects ninjutsu techniques to revive his ninja clan, which was once the main force of the village. He is more interested in training at school than in his girlfriend's advances.
  • Abio is Garu's training partner, but he himself is closer to kung fu. He is the son of a policeman, loves to seduce girls, and is too arrogant, which is why he considers himself better than Gaku. He also has a strange habit of tearing his clothes while shouting “cue”.
  • Ching is Pukki's girlfriend who really likes Abio.
  • Tobe is a member of a rival clan that hates the Garou clan. Tobe has long harbored the dream of killing his enemy so that his plans will never come true. However, all projects are easily ruined by Pucca - she will not allow anyone to offend her lover. Tobe has a distinctive X-shaped scar on his face.

In history, from time to time there are such characters as: a trio of unsuccessful shamans who fail in their attempt to find food; funny Santa Red Lantern; various ninjas and little men.

Resilient Pucca

Another girl would have burst into tears long ago from the constant failures to press a handsome boy in a secluded corner and kiss him to her heart's content, but not Pucca. She is persistent, stubborn and ready to scatter a crowd of ninjas to get another chance to kiss Garou. You can see this more than once during the next Pucca game:

  • Kisses
  • Action games
  • Puzzles
  • Race
  • Pucca shooting games
  • Search for elements or pairs
  • Creating Heroes
  • Embroidery
  • Cafe
  • Memory training

Pucca games are logical, speed and reaction games that appeal to young players of both sexes. With Pucca you will go through many tests and see her courage. Even the evil clones that try to fill the entire board do not scare her. The moves resemble the principle of checkers, but at the beginning there are only two pieces - Pucca and her enemy. Each hero is able to create clones by moving one square forward or jumping over an enemy and changing his image with his own.
The plot of another game Pukka suggests flying a kite with a girl. The heroine enthusiastically and rapidly rushes forward, forgetting to look at the sky, but there are stars with sharp angles there, and the feathered serpent can get hurt by them. Help her keep the toy intact by guiding her movement with the arrows.
The boys will probably want, out of a sense of solidarity, to help Garu escape from the loving Pucca and her kisses. But while moving along the stems, do not fall under the fallout from the falling noodles, which will move the boy to the platform below. And if you don't want the hero to glow red, don't let him come into contact with the heroine's air kisses during the game Pucca.

Pucca is an animated series that was released and became popular in South Korea. It is named after the 11-year-old girl of the main character of the cartoon. After the series was released to television viewers, it gained popularity, and even a manhwa was published, that is, South Korean comics telling about the adventures of Pukki. In the mid-2000s, the series was translated into German and Spanish, thanks to which it received recognition from viewers in Europe.

The plot and characters of the series Pukki

The genre of the series is comedy, but its plot is very similar to a drama. Pucca is a girl from a small village called Suga, her father owns a Chinese restaurant. She is madly in love with a boy named Garou, who is a year older than her. But Garu is not like the rest of his peers, he has little interest in girls or love, he decided that his life’s work will be the restoration of family greatness, because he is from an ancient family of ninjas. Garu, not paying attention to Pucca or the others, trains day and night.
Pukki has a friend, her name is Ching, she has decided to definitely marry the kong fu master Abio, who doesn’t even know about Ching’s intentions. Garu and Abio are sparring partners.
The main villain, Tobe, tirelessly plots against Garu; why is unknown; Garu, oddly enough, is inferior to the enemy, but Pucca always helps Garu and thwarts the villain’s plans.
The main characters in the animated series are:

  • The main character Pucca is a romantic person, but there is no need to make her angry, she is desperate when angry, and she doesn’t care about two clans of evil ninjas.
  • Garu is Pucca's beloved, he is from the ninja family and has many fighting styles, moreover, he is excellent with the katana sword.
  • Abio is a kongfu player and Garu's sparring partner; for some reason he tears his clothes and shouts “kiya”.
  • Ching is Pukki's friend, her oddity is that she walks around with a chicken on her head.
  • Tobe is an anti-hero with an X-shaped scar on his face and an enemy of Garou, he is the leader of a clan of evil ninjas.

There are still a number of characters in the series, but they are minor.
Under the Pukka brand, a huge number of all kinds of souvenirs and various things have been produced, for example, food, school supplies and stationery. The Pucca games were created based on the animated series.

Pucca games have conquered the virtual world

A large number of computer online flash games have been created with the heroine of a children's series with a funny oriental face.
The developers offer players romantic, logical, arcade and of course combat versions. In romance games, Pucca tries her best to kiss Garu or win his heart with a great concert or dinner. Logic games offer from a specific version of crosses and toes to searching for hidden objects, by finding which you can defeat the evil Tobe; girls will enjoy cross-stitching with the heroine of the series. In the arcade versions, you need to collect kisses while walking through the labyrinth, but everything is not so simple, you still need to somehow cope with a gang of evil ninjas along the way. Garou and Abio take part in the fights; they definitely need to win, because they are on the side of good. You can play with Pucca and Garu both on earth and in the sky, because such a wonderful girl doesn’t care about space.
Pucca games are unmistakable, they are made in red colors and feature a cute girl with a round face and hair tied up on both sides. They are always full of hearts. The kind and good plots of the games will please the players, just as they won the hearts of South Korean, Chinese and European girls. With young Pucca you can have a good and fun free time, immersing yourself in the world of love adventures and martial arts at the same time.

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