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For successful adaptation of an employee it is necessary. Adaptation in the workplace: types, methods, periods. Reasons for mobbing

The beginning of autumn for many parents was marked by a solemn event: the baby went to first grade. Usually, both children and parents prepare for this for a long time and persistently: they attend preparatory courses and classes, undergo diagnostics for psychological readiness for school. However, the transition from preschool life to school does not always go smoothly, since it is accompanied by psychological and social problems. A first-grader has a new daily routine and responsibilities, which often causes fatigue, irritability, moodiness, and disobedience. It is impossible to say for sure how long this difficult period will last; it is individual for each family. The family should have an atmosphere that will help the child to integrate into school life as comfortably as possible, succeeding in the field of knowledge. After all, if you don’t support a first-grader in time, the negativity of the first difficulties at school can develop into a persistent dislike for learning. How to help a little student get used to school as quickly as possible, read this article.

Adaptation to school

Adaptation to school is the child’s transition to systematic schooling and getting him used to school conditions. Every first grader experiences this period in his own way. Before school, most children attended kindergarten, where every day was filled with games and play activities, walks, and naps and a leisurely daily routine kept the kids from getting tired. Everything is different at school: new requirements, intensive regime, the need to keep up with everything. How to adapt to them? This requires effort and time, and most importantly, parents’ understanding that this is necessary.

It is generally accepted that the adaptation of a first-grader lasts from the first 10-15 days to several months. This is influenced by many factors, such as the specifics of the school, and its level of preparedness for school, the volume of workload and the level of complexity of the educational process, and others. And here you cannot do without the help of a teacher and relatives: parents and grandparents.


Teach your child the rules of communication with classmates. Explain how important it is to be polite and attentive to your peers - and communication at school will only be a joy.


A friendly and calm atmosphere in the family is important for successful psychological adaptation. Don't forget to relax, play calm games, and go for a walk.

  1. Create an atmosphere of well-being in your family. Love the child.
  2. Build high self-esteem in your child.
  3. Don't forget that your child is an asset to his parents.
  4. Take an interest in school, ask your child about the events of each day.
  5. Spend time with your child after the school day.
  6. Do not allow physical pressure on the child.
  7. Take into account the character and temperament of the child - only individual approach. Observe what he can do better and faster, and where he should provide help and suggest.
  8. Give the first grader independence in organizing his own educational activities. Control appropriately.
  9. Encourage the student for various successes - not just academic ones. Encourage him to achieve his goals.


During the period of adaptation to school, the child’s body is exposed to stress. Medical statistics show that among first-graders there are always children who lose weight after barely completing the first quarter of school; some children have low blood pressure, and some have high blood pressure. Headaches, moodiness, neurotic conditions are not a complete list of physiological problems that can happen to your child.

Before you reproach your child for being lazy and shirking his educational duties, remember what health problems he has. Nothing complicated - just be attentive to your baby.

What advice should you give to parents of a first-grader from a physiological point of view?

  1. Form a daily routine for a first-grader that is different from the daily routine of a preschooler, gradually.
  2. Make it a habit to monitor changes in activities at home.
  3. Don't forget about regular physical education when doing homework.
  4. Follow correct posture student.
  5. Properly light the place where your child does his homework.
  6. Follow proper nutrition first grader. On the recommendation of a doctor, give vitamin preparations.
  7. Activate your child's motor activity.
  8. Follow the rules of healthy sleep for your child - at least 9.5 hours.
  9. Limit watching TV shows and playing games on the computer.
  10. Nurture your child's will and independence.

"This is interesting! The norm for completing homework with a first grader is 40 minutes.”


Children who have not attended kindergarten may encounter problems communicating with classmates. In kindergarten, a child goes through a process of socialization, where he acquires communication skills and ways to build relationships in a team. At school, the teacher does not always pay attention to this. This is why your child will again need the help of his parents.

Be attentive to your child’s messages about his relationships with classmates. Try to help with good advice, look for the answer in psychological and pedagogical literature. Try to tell him how to overcome conflict situation. Support the parents of those children with whom your child has developed a relationship. Report alarming situations to your teacher. Remember how important it is to protect own child, and also teach him to overcome obstacles himself.

Teach your child to be an individual: to have his own opinion, prove it, but be tolerant of the opinions of others.

“The golden rule of education. A child needs love most at the time when he least deserves it.”

So, if you have become a happy parent of a first-grader, then we will help you simple tips How to easily survive such a crucial moment as adaptation to school:

Do not ignore such a crucial moment as the beginning of school life. Help your child overcome the period of adaptation to school, support him, provide the necessary conditions living and studying and you will see with what ease he will learn and how his abilities will unfold.

For many, the first days, weeks new job- this is extreme stress. New team, different requirements, different business relationships, tons of unknown information. At the same time, you need to try not to make stupid mistakes and show yourself with the best side. It is advisable to prepare for such a brainstorming in advance. Therefore, let’s consider the concept of “adaptation in the workplace” from several angles.

What is adaptation

Adaptation to a new workplace is the period of familiarization of an employee with a hitherto unknown activity, organization, team, regulation of his behavior according to unusual requirements.

According to statistics, the majority again hired employees leave their place of work at this time. Reasons: difficulties in the adaptation process, discrepancy between the real situation and expectations.

For the onboarding of a new employee to be successful and painless, it must be a two-way process. The personnel department, management, and colleagues should do their best to facilitate the “infusion” of a newcomer into their organization or team. Depending on the support and assistance provided, adaptation in the workplace can proceed in various ways:

  1. Preservation of individualism - a new employee does not deny the main values ​​of the company, but ignores secondary ones (for example, corporate traditions, holidays), and tries to stay somewhat aloof.
  2. Mimicry - an employee, on the contrary, supports secondary values, but denies the main ones, hiding it from the team. Such newcomers often leave their new job.
  3. Denial - the employee does not hide his dislike for the existing routines in the company. He will call them the reason for his speedy dismissal.
  4. Conformism - the employee sincerely accepts new rules, values, responsibilities, and successfully becomes a “cog in the system.”

Stages of adaptation

Let’s figure out what stages of adaptation an employee goes through in a new workplace:

  1. External reorientation. It is difficult for a person to accept new values ​​and routines; he painfully perceives what he is not used to and does not agree with. However, at the same time, he strives to hide these negative emotions.
  2. Gradual mutual recognition of the employee by the team and vice versa.
  3. Perceiving the team's values ​​without incorporating them into your own value system.
  4. Gradual acceptance of new rights and responsibilities, corporate culture, as well as restructuring of one’s personality and behavior to suit new conditions.
  5. Harmonious fusion of the individual with the team.

Failure at any of these stages often becomes a reason for voluntary dismissal.

Parts of adaptation

Adaptation in the workplace is divided into two parts: primary and secondary. The first is the appearance of a new employee in the team. Her goals:

  • getting a newbie into work as soon as possible;
  • redistribution of work responsibilities;
  • full replacement of a departing employee;
  • socialization in a team;
  • vocational guidance.

Secondary adaptation in the workplace overtakes an employee during promotion, retraining, transfer to another department, workshop, etc. The goals of this period:

  • stabilization of the collective climate;
  • achieving full compliance with the requirements for the new position;
  • adaptation to a new status;
  • changing your role in the team.

Techniques of an Adaptable Person

Speaking about methods of adaptation in the workplace, one cannot fail to mention the unconscious techniques that psychologists identify in a person who is getting used to a new team:

  1. "They greet you by their clothes." The first thing a newcomer pays attention to is the appearance, clothing, and behavior of future colleagues. Such a superficial assessment at the initial stage helps to build an idea of ​​the personality and business qualities of each member of the new team.
  2. Stratification. A new employee divides his colleagues into mini-groups: careerists, assistants, informal leaders, eccentrics, comedians, first ladies, outcasts, etc. He begins to evaluate their well-being, ability to behave in a team, build relationships with superiors, and the degree of liking for themselves . Based on this, the new member begins to build appropriate communication with each one.
  3. Group identification. At this stage, the employee chooses for himself one of the strategies he has defined and begins to structure his behavior according to his status. Belonging to a certain group creates a feeling of security; a person begins to gradually feel like he belongs in the new team.
  4. Intergroup discrimination. The employee exalts “his” group over others, treats others condescendingly, and always finds the advantages of his choice.

Types of adaptation in the workplace

The entire adaptation process is divided into four groups:

  • psychophysiological;
  • professional (familiarization with the profession);
  • socio-psychological (getting to know the team);
  • organizational (familiarization with the company itself).

A more detailed analysis of them:

  1. Organizational adaptation. Successful activity in a new workplace is possible only when a person thoroughly knows everything about his company: history, tasks, goals, development prospects, its achievements and unpleasant moments in history. It is important to have an idea of ​​its structure, managers, answers to vital questions: “Where is the HR department, canteen, service parking?”, “Where can I get a tabulogram?”, “Who should I contact with questions about labor activity?”, etc. The employer’s responsibility is to convey all this information to the newcomer in a condensed and structured form, and the latter’s responsibility is to try to short term"digest"
  2. Social and psychological adaptation of personnel in the workplace. Close acquaintance with the team, the norms of corporate culture, establishing interpersonal and business communication, joining informal groups. The newcomer not only gets acquainted with new norms of behavior, he must already begin to follow them, while the team treats him with caution, evaluates him, and forms an opinion. Therefore, for most, this adaptation is the most difficult.
  3. Professional adaptation in the workplace. Filling knowledge gaps, retraining, familiarization with new work standards and its specifics. To facilitate this type of habituation, many organizations practice rotations, mentoring, briefings, and an “apprenticeship” period.
  4. Psychophysical adaptation of employees in the workplace. This is the restructuring of your body and habits to a new work and rest regime - a shift work schedule, business trips, irregular working hours, a “home office”. This also includes adapting to a new workplace, rest and hygiene rooms, and an unusual route to work.

Duration of the adaptation period

The period of adaptation in the workplace does not have any clearly defined boundaries: some people manage to harmoniously join the team in a couple of weeks, others need several months or even a couple of years. The optimal period is considered to be three months - duration probationary period.

The end of the adaptation period is indicated by the following employee characteristics:

  • copes with all work tasks assigned to him, including non-standard ones;
  • bears responsibility for his actions;
  • knows the structure of the company well, navigates the environment of managers and colleagues, and is in a non-conflict relationship with them;
  • successfully mastered the types of equipment necessary for work, computer programs etc.;
  • knows the company's system of punishments and rewards;
  • complies with the norms of corporate culture;
  • belongs to one of the informal groups of the team.

Introduction to the position

As already mentioned, employee adaptation to a new workplace is a two-way process. In a successful and developing company, a newcomer will not be given a “young fighter’s course”, but will do everything possible for his smooth and painless entry into the team and adaptation to the workplace. Typically, an induction program is drawn up for this purpose. It varies depending on the following conditions:

  • characteristics of a beginner’s work;
  • his status and level of responsibility;
  • the team where he will end up;
  • personal characteristics of the future employee identified during the interview.

The following persons participate in the program:

  • immediate managers;
  • colleagues who can become direct mentors;
  • employees from other departments with whom the newcomer’s activities will be closely related;
  • personnel department

The program includes three large stages.

Before the employee arrives

To ensure that adaptation to a new workplace is quick and successful, before the first day of work:

  1. The relevance of the job description is checked.
  2. An unofficial “patron” of the newcomer is appointed.
  3. It is being prepared workplace.
  4. The future team is notified of additions to the lineup.
  5. All necessary information files, passes, and administrative documents are generated.
  6. A call is made to the future employee to find out about his readiness to go to work.

First work day

During this period, the program invites the team to do the following:

  1. Disassemble it with a beginner job responsibilities.
  2. Familiarize him in detail with the internal labor regulations.
  3. Talk about corporate traditions, rules, and private issues.
  4. Familiarize yourself with the structure of the organization.
  5. Conduct the necessary instructions: safety precautions, first aid, Fire safety etc.
  6. Provide a list of all possible communications and contacts that he may need.
  7. Presentation of dress code rules.
  8. Introducing the newcomer to immediate supervisors and colleagues.
  9. Tour of the place of work: show canteens, restrooms, rest areas, etc.

The rest of the adaptation period

At this time, procedures such as:

  1. Familiarization with reporting rules.
  2. Demonstration of requirements for work and its results.
  3. Familiarity with the administrative and economic system of the organization.
  4. Development of an individual retraining system for a new employee.
  5. Familiarization with the specifics of his work, the nuances that he needs to know.

Methods for successful adaptation

To ensure that a newcomer’s adaptation to the workplace takes place at an accelerated pace, many corporations use the following methods:

  1. Informal support - assigning a mentor or “patron” to a new employee.
  2. Carrying out events - in honor of the arrival of a new employee, a corporate party is organized, where in a relaxed atmosphere he is introduced to the norms, rules, etiquette in the organization.
  3. Corporate PR - a universal reference book is being developed containing answers to all questions of newcomers.
  4. Team training - an event held if an employee fails to join the team. It expresses the opinions of both sides, claims; trying to establish a dialogue.
  5. Instruction - the employee gets acquainted with the new requirements under the strict guidance of colleagues who answer all his questions.
  6. Personal account, personal mail - the newcomer receives letters of instructions to these addresses, helping him to gradually understand the surrounding environment.

Promoting adaptation

Many successful corporations today pay great attention to the adaptation of a new employee to their team. This happens for a number of reasons:

  • the shorter the adaptation period, the greater the return on the employee’s work;
  • negative reviews former employees who left due to a number of difficulties during the adaptation period is a serious blow to the company’s image;
  • mentoring helps increase the creativity of long-serving employees;
  • if an employee is fired and a replacement is found, the company will again spend money on recruitment and training;
  • a detailed and effective adaptation program is a plus in the fight against competitors;
  • the friendly attitude of the new team is one of the main reasons for unlocking the potential of a newcomer.

Adaptation to a new workplace is the most difficult and important thing in work life. At this stage, it is important for the employee to quickly and successfully get used to an unfamiliar team, in a new workplace, and the company should do everything possible to facilitate this, and not hinder it.

Hello, dear blog readers! Each of us at least once in our lives has encountered such a process as adaptation to a new workplace. This is simply a colossal stress for the body, because increased level Anxiety is not very good for your health. The adaptation itself takes about two weeks, but sometimes lasts longer. It depends on your internal resources and ability to adapt to new conditions.

Your future depends on these first weeks, how you managed to show your competence to management, what kind of relationships began to form with colleagues and whether you were able to take and feel your place in which it is comfortable and calm. Therefore, today I will share recommendations on how to successfully go through this difficult but necessary process.


  1. Acute adaptation period (lasts about a month, sometimes it lasts up to 2 months). Usually at this time there is a comparison with the previous place of work, depending on the perception of the new one. If too a large number of anxiety and worries, then there is a high probability of feelings and thoughts that you made a mistake, that it was simpler before, perhaps worse, but at least everything was familiar and understandable. Or, on the contrary, excessive charm, when it seems that you have found the place of your dreams and now it will be different and wonderful. It ends the moment you begin to notice reality. Not everything is so one-sided, or bad, or good, when you feel that you are already confident and the assigned tasks are a success. There is practically no anxiety, the workday becomes predictable, and among your colleagues there are those who are really happy to see you and with whom relationships have begun to form.
  2. Second period starts from the second month and until about 5-6 months. The probationary period has passed, the requirements may become higher, and the person has relaxed a little, because he has dealt with the most difficult things for himself, is familiar with the tasks, and has joined the company. But in fact, the formal stage has passed, and now the bosses can begin to criticize the work performed under greater workload. Because of this, irritation and anger, disappointment and resentment accumulate. This is such a moment of crisis, and it depends on a person’s internal resources whether he will hold on or quit, unable to cope with the tension and difficulties.
  3. Consolidation , begins after six months. The main problems are behind us, the person has found his place among his colleagues, has become well acquainted with internal traditions and foundations, and is successfully fulfilling his duties.


  1. Professional . The point is to master and learn the specifics of the job. It depends on the field of activity, for example, instructions are provided, or a senior employee is assigned, who brings them up to date and transfers the necessary knowledge, from whom the manner of communication and behavior of clients should be adopted. Sometimes a rotation is arranged, that is, a new employee works a little in each sector of the company, then he studies the activities of the enterprise better and is aware of the nuances.
  2. Psychophysiological . This is the adaptation of a new employee to new working conditions. That is, he arranges his place, laying out the necessary papers and his things as it is convenient for him, or as required by regulations.
  3. Social , or socio-psychological. Sometimes the most difficult of all types. Namely because it signifies the establishment of collegial and professional relationships. May take time due to various circumstances, for example, personal characteristics, internal resources of the new person, or the specifics of the established team itself. There is such a thing as “mobbing,” that is, “hazing,” only in the labor market. Harassment or unfair treatment by the team towards one employee.

Reasons for mobbing

  • When a lot of tension accumulates in the team itself, but there is no outlet for this tension for a long period, then it may well “shoot” at a new person who is not so familiar, and for now he is more like an object, because relationships have not been formed.
  • Management does not know how to manage people, set goals, strategies and prioritize, so it can affect the microclimate among employees.
  • An incorrectly established channel of communication between management and subordinates, in this case, the possession of any information causes the illusion of power in one of the colleagues, which he will manipulate.
  • When a company is in crisis, sometimes bullying is carried out artificially so that at the end of the probationary period you will want to quit yourself, having worked a fair amount of the allotted time, giving your all. Or say that you were not selected because you did not cope, but this is in the case when there are too many unjustified claims against you from management.

You can learn more about mobbing.

Give yourself the opportunity to integrate gradually, you have arrived in a new place, and even if you are well versed in the specifics of the work, you need to take a close look at the environment in which you find yourself.

This means that you initially need to acknowledge the fact that at first you will be anxious and possibly uncomfortable. And that's okay.

Don't rush yourself and don't set super-goals. Study your job responsibilities, otherwise, like old-timers, your colleagues will be able to delegate tasks to you that you are not obligated to perform.

  1. Considering that on the first working day there will be a very large amount of information, get a diary in which you will write down not only points related to your responsibilities, but also names, surnames, positions, telephone numbers, office locations, etc.
  2. Ask questions without fear of looking stupid; the more you understand about the internal routine, the faster you will fall into the flow. It’s better to clarify once again than to make mistakes and try to correct them.
  3. Smile, your friendliness will put you at ease, because not only are you looking closely at the employees, it is also important for them to understand what kind of person has come to them.
  4. In relationships with others, it is important to learn to balance openness and caution. That is, do not tell initially, in order to quickly make friends, about something personal that could “play” against you in the future. But don’t close yourself off completely, otherwise it will make you wary and turn you against yourself. In particular, you should not speak negatively about same place work and gossip. Ethics, when you are not familiar, know how to listen and adhere to the principle of confidentiality, give you a better chance of winning over your colleagues and your superiors.
  5. Find out about existing traditions, perhaps some will be very useful to you. For example, in some companies it is customary for the new employee to bring refreshments and set the table. This helps to get to know each other and get closer in a more or less informal setting. It’s just important to take into account established traditions and rules, and not introduce your own in the early days, otherwise the effect will be the opposite.
  6. It is important to defend your boundaries, gently but confidently, especially when they try to take advantage of you at the initial stage. That is, putting in work that you shouldn't do. Sometimes it works psychological protection, a person really wants to be liked and is afraid that if he refuses, he will be rejected, or he is trying to “curry favor” so that he will be appreciated and noticed. But this is a trap that a person sets for himself, because in the future it will become increasingly difficult to say: “no.”
  7. Be patient, if initially something did not go as planned and wanted, over time everything will improve and fall into place, the main thing is not to give up. There is little static in life, everything can be changed, the main thing is to be aware of your shortcomings and correct them. Regarding work nuances, it is better if your bosses learn about your mistakes from you, and not from someone from the team.
  8. Be prepared for gender nuances. That is, people of the same sex are usually perceived as competitors. You should not be afraid of this or avoid competing. This means that you were assessed as equal to yourself, or even better in some way, and should not be perceived as hostility. Unfortunately, sometimes, especially in a female team, you will have to withstand hidden aggression, that is, not directed directly, but with the help of gossip, dirty tricks, or giving advice that is harmful. If a woman finds herself in a male team, she is accepted easily, but is not perceived as an equal and a professional. Therefore, you will have to work hard to earn recognition. On the contrary, a man dressed as a woman is immediately recognized, but then can be bothered with excessive attention, coquetry and flirting.
  9. Take a closer look and choose an employee who, in your opinion, is the best, and strive to achieve the same level, learn from him, this will motivate you for personal and professional growth.

How to relieve stress

  1. Ways to relieve excess stress are mainly related to visualization techniques. You can study how this is done in my article. In order to facilitate the process of settling into a new place, imagine, preferably before going to bed and on the eve of the working day, that you are in your office. Just try to imagine it in the smallest detail, right down to where the pen lies. Imagine that you have begun to perform your duties and are doing great.
    This exercise helps relieve unnecessary anxiety, so as not to worry, it is better to direct this energy in a pleasant direction so that adaptation is easier.
  2. If among your employees there is a person who is very unpleasant to you, or maybe even a boss to whom you have no right to express your opinion, and accumulating anger in yourself is harmful, the “Transformation” method will come to the rescue. What usually happens when something triggers strong negative feelings in us? That's right, we are trying to switch and forget about the unpleasant situation. But as luck would have it, it doesn’t work out; our psyche defends itself in this way. You should do the opposite. On the way home, or wherever it is convenient for you, imagine yourself in the place of this scoundrel. Reproduce his gait, manner of speaking, gestures, etc. Play with this image. This exercise is very resourceful, because, in addition to the fact that aggression is legalized, tension passes, and sometimes insight occurs; being in the place of the offender, we can understand what exactly he wanted to say and why he did it.


That's all, dear readers! Finally, I would like to recommend reading my article “” , and then, relying on internal resources and knowledge, you will easily go through the adaptation period and all its types.

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Thank you and see you soon on the blog.


The child goes to first grade. The event is both joyful and exciting. A new road opens before the baby. His future depends on how correctly the little student takes his first steps. Of course, the little one cannot cope on his own. Correct adaptation of children to school is the task of the teaching staff, as well as parents.

What is adaptation?

The concept itself implies getting used to new conditions. A child who recently attended preschool, had a flexible daily routine, and spent a lot of time playing games, will have to adapt to a different way. You will need to learn to listen to the teacher, follow homework, find mutual language with classmates. This, in essence, is the child’s adaptation at school. 1st grade in an educational institution is rightfully considered the most difficult. It is especially difficult for children who have not previously attended kindergarten. We also have to deal with the difficulties of socialization.

Adapting children to school is a real stress for some parents. To a greater extent, mothers worry that they will not be able to cope with their responsibilities, that through their fault the child will lag behind his classmates. A truly difficult task falls on fragile shoulders. It is necessary to help the child adjust himself to other living conditions. At the same time, a mother should under no circumstances show her experiences to her son or daughter! And what you definitely shouldn’t do is raise your voice at a little schoolchild who can’t read or write.

The success of a child's adaptation may depend on many factors. First of all, this is the temperament of the little student, as well as the model of relationships in the family. If a child loves to be the center of attention and does not tolerate loneliness well, he will probably quickly be able to get used to a new team. Also, if there is harmony and mutual respect in the family, and the baby has no complexes, adaptation will take place with minimal losses.

However, socialization is only a small part of the whole process. It is not enough to get used to the new team and teachers. Adaptation of children to school is, first of all, the presence of interest. The child must understand that he attends school not because it is necessary, but because here he will be able to learn a lot of new and useful information. Getting the child interested is the task of parents and teachers.

Degrees of adaptation

No two people are alike. Likewise, children have their own psychological characteristics. For some, just a few days are enough to get used to new conditions, while others will feel uncomfortable in a strange team even after a month. Psychologists traditionally divide children into three groups. The first is kids with an easy degree of adaptation. This includes guys who quickly join the new team, make friends. Such children get along well with teachers; all their attention is directed to learning new subjects.

The second group of guys is considered the most common. This includes children with an average degree of adaptation to school. The period of adaptation to new conditions is longer for them, taking from several weeks to two months. At the initial stages of education, children do not accept the conditions in which they had to find themselves. During lessons, they can talk to their friends and not listen to the teacher’s comments. Such children initially do not show interest in studying. This group especially often includes children who did not attend preschool. Children's adaptation to school will be faster if parents have an appropriate conversation with the children long before September 1. It is worth explaining to your child that interesting changes are coming in life that will be beneficial. If necessary, a psychologist can work with the child.

The third group are children with a severe degree of adaptation. The child exhibits negative forms of behavior, he does not listen to teachers, and offends classmates. The exact opposite manifestation is also common - a small schoolchild withdraws into himself. The child behaves very quietly, does not speak, and does not answer the teacher’s questions. In most cases, such guys practically do not learn school curriculum. The problem of a child's adaptation to school most often has a reason. It's either psychological trauma, or discord in the family. You cannot do without a specialist in this situation.

Difficulties still to be faced

Successfully adapting a child to school is not an easy task. Even if a son or daughter belongs to the first group, that is, he easily establishes a common language with a new team and shows interest in learning, you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to face difficulties. The most common complaint of most parents is the laziness of the little student. In fact, the child is not to blame for anything. He just lost his motivation. He is not interested in attending this or that lesson or doing homework on a specific subject. Surely many parents have noticed that children enjoy attending classes such as singing, physical education, and drawing. Because you can have an interesting time with them. The task of teachers and parents is to interest the student in attending the subject in which interest has been lost.

Verbilism is another problem that many parents of first-graders have to face. The problem is that many mothers and fathers pay great attention to speech development from an early age. A poem about a bear sung by a two-year-old child is touching. The baby is admired, which increases his self-esteem. At school, it turns out that all a student can do is speak beautifully, clearly, and clearly pronounce complex sounds. At the same time, the thinking processes are quite slow. The program (children's adaptation to school is a difficult path for every first-grader) must necessarily include subjects that stimulate productive activity. This is drawing, modeling, designing, mosaic, etc.

Chronic underachievement

At the beginning of learning, every child is a blank slate. Why does it happen that one kid turns into an excellent student, and another into an avid loser? Blaming a child for poor education is stupid. Chronic underachievement is primarily a failure of parents, and only then of teachers. What's going on? The little student cannot cope with the task assigned to him, and his mood decreases. At the same time, many parents only aggravate the situation and begin to scold the child. Uncertainty about own strength for a small student it grows exponentially. He does not want to continue his studies so as not to experience negative emotions again. This is how chronic underachievement develops.

During the period of children's adaptation to school, parents should be patient. Moms and dads need to be prepared for the fact that the baby will not succeed in many tasks right away. If you properly encourage your child and reward him for successfully completing his work, the student will want to attend lessons again and again.

Every year, domestic educational methods are improved. Many educational institutions today have decided not to grade first grade children for their work. The results are already visible. Adaptation of children to school conditions is less painful.

How can a teacher help a child?

The first teacher is the person with whose help the child gets used to new conditions. By special program the child's adaptation to school is carried out. Methods are developed taking into account psychological and age characteristics students. The teacher can judge the degree of adaptation thanks to special tests that can be carried out on one of the cool hours. To get a clearer picture, testing should be carried out at the end of the first quarter of training:

  1. “Paint” technique. The teacher gives the children felt-tip pens or paints, as well as sheets of paper on which objects related to certain lessons are depicted (number - mathematics, pen - writing, brush - drawing, accordion - singing, etc.). Students are asked to color the pictures. If the baby colors a certain object in dark color, this indicates possible difficulties associated with it. The technique allows you to determine the progress of each child in one direction or another.
  2. Methodology “What I like at school.” The teacher offers to draw a picture on a given topic. From the image you can judge the psychological state of the child. You should pay attention to the children whose drawings are far from school life. A teacher with a pointer, a school board in the images can indicate a high level of educational motivation.
  3. “Sun, cloud, rain” technique. Students are given pieces of paper that depict the described weather phenomena. The teacher offers to describe the state at school, at home, with friends. The child circles the drawing he likes. In this way, the teacher determines which children have already fully adapted to school life (circled with a sun).

At the end of the first quarter, you can conduct a short survey. Answering the questions will help identify the level of adaptation of each child in the class. Questions could be:

  1. Do you like school?
  2. If you were told that everyone didn't have to come to class tomorrow, would you come to school?
  3. Do you like your classmates?
  4. Would you like another teacher to work with you?
  5. Are you happy when classes are cancelled?
  6. Are you friends with many of your classmates?
  7. Would you like the breaks to be longer and the lessons to be shorter?

To get honest answers to the questions, you should invite the children to fill out the questionnaire at home, together with their parents. Having identified the level of adaptation in the class, the teacher chooses a further work strategy. Practice shows that by the end of the first quarter, 90% of the children have already fully adapted to the new conditions.

Play as a way to adapt

For guys who are just adapting to new conditions, it is important to present new information in a form that is interesting to them. It is no coincidence that the first lessons in many educational institutions are held in the form of a game. The most difficult task for any first grader is whole lesson sit in your place. 40 minutes seems like an eternity. The game “Diligent Student” will come to the rescue. The children are asked to portray high school students who know how to behave at school. And to make the game interesting for kids, it is advisable to include a competitive aspect. At the end of the lesson, the teacher indicates the most diligent students who are awarded prizes.

A child’s psychological adaptation to school will be easier if the child knows his classmates. Therefore, it is recommended that school staff before starting school year hold an interesting event in an informal atmosphere. Perfect option- hike. During fun games kids will be able to get acquainted in nature. Parents, in turn, will have the opportunity to communicate more closely with the teacher.

What can parents do?

Moral support is very important for a child who is just starting school. The adaptation of the little student to new conditions depends on how correctly mothers and fathers behave. It is worth supporting the child in all his endeavors and under no circumstances scolding him for failures. You should never compare your child with other students. It is necessary to ensure that the student focuses on his own results. For example, if today your son made only two mistakes in his homework, and yesterday there were three, this is already a real success that is definitely worth celebrating!

What else should parents do? The work of adapting children to school is based on the formation of a certain daily routine. You need to teach your baby to go to bed on time so that he can get up in the morning without any problems. Haste is additional stress for the baby. The child must know exactly the procedure. In the morning - to school, at lunch - homework, in the evening - to sleep on time, and on weekends you can have fun with your parents.

Motivating a child to study school subjects also partially falls on the shoulders of parents. Mom should explain why it is worth learning English (“You’ll learn it, and we’ll travel without any problems”), mathematics (“You can count how many toys you have”), reading (“You can read the biggest fairy tale on your own”).

Children's adaptation to school affects the functioning of the student's immune system. It is especially difficult for children who have not previously attended preschool. The kids begin to get sick often and miss classes. This also affects psychological adaptation. Frequent absences lead to the child not having time to establish communication in the team. How to deal with this? A pediatrician will help solve the problem by prescribing a suitable immune-stimulating drug. You cannot self-medicate.

It will be possible to reduce the incidence rate if the first-graders’ office at school is moved to a separate block, where the children have contact only with teachers and peers. Your daily routine also affects your health. If a separate room is allocated, it will be possible to reduce lessons in the first quarter to 35 minutes. Classes must be held in the first half of the day. At this time, the guys are very active. The ability to organize daytime naps is a huge plus. For children aged 6, rest during the day is still very important. In this way, it is possible to restore brain activity, as well as physical activity.

Signs of successful adaptation

How do you know that children’s adaptation to school is going well? The following signs may indicate this:

  • the child comes home from school cheerful and talks about his impressions of the day;
  • the baby has new friends;
  • homework is completed without tears or stress;
  • the child becomes upset if, for a number of reasons, he has to stay at home rather than go to school;
  • The child sleeps well, falls asleep quickly, and wakes up in the morning without any problems.

The presence of at least a few of the listed signs indicates that the child’s adaptation to school is proceeding normally. 1st grade can be full of vivid impressions and memories. But, unfortunately, not all children have a smooth adaptation. If your child doesn’t sleep well, comes home from school tired, or complains about the lack of friends, you should consult with the teacher. Children with a severe degree of adaptation need the help of a psychologist.


The child’s pedagogical adaptation to school will be quick and painless with proper interaction between teachers and parents. Success largely depends on the emotional state of the baby. A pleasant team at school, warm communication with the family - all this will lead to the solution of the task. The child adapts to new conditions as quickly as possible and accepts the educational institution as part of his life.

It happens that a new desired and long-awaited job does not live up to expectations. There can be many reasons for this. They seem to lie on the surface and are very simple. For example, an unfortunate location of the company or the feeling that employees are coping without a new colleague. Few people think that the roots are much deeper.

As a rule, newcomers face difficulties if personnel adaptation in the organization is not carried out. Having got a job in a company of any size, an employee feels constrained, lost, and in a tense state. Over time, he becomes part of the team, and the company only benefits from his work. But before this moment arrives, more than one year may pass. Or it may turn out that the person continues to feel superfluous and prefers to quit.

Concept of adaptation

First of all, you should know that the adaptation of personnel in an organization is the adaptation of the company and the employee to each other. The employee is faced with new tasks, working methods, he is surrounded by unfamiliar colleagues, and he needs to get used to new conditions. The process of personnel adaptation in an organization is not always regulated. Not all employers consider it necessary to develop a system, finance it and take experienced employees away from work in order to make it easier for a new employee to get into position. Nevertheless, the adaptation of personnel in the organization must be carefully worked out, which will avoid the costs associated with dismissal, search, selection and hiring of personnel.

Types of adaptation

As a rule, the process of adapting an employee to new conditions can be of two types:

  • Primary adaptation - when initially applying for a job in a company. In this case, the employee has no idea about the job, responsibilities, etc.
  • Secondary adaptation - with promotion (demotion) within the company. In such a situation, the employee needs time and knowledge to take on a new position and work at the same level.

In both cases, adaptation of personnel in the organization is necessary and develops according to the same principles.

Basic forms

The organization of work on personnel adaptation should cover not only the professional activities of the employee. It includes the following forms:

  1. Social – the employee’s adaptation to the environment and the values ​​of the team.
  2. Professional - mastering the work process and its nuances. Output professional qualities and skills.
  3. Production - familiarization with labor standards at the enterprise.
  4. Organizational - familiarity with the structure of the organization, its departments and communications.
  5. Economic - information about wages and forms of material incentives.
  6. Non-productive - corporate recreation or sporting events that allow you to improve relationships between employees and unite the team.

A well-constructed system of personnel adaptation in an organization affects all of the above forms, and at the end of the process the employee feels like one with the company. Such an employee does not become dissatisfied with his job, his role in the company, or think about quitting. As a result, the company’s staff turnover decreases.

Since in Russia controlled adaptation is a fairly new direction, then, speaking about methods of adaptation to new conditions, the focus is primarily on foreign companies and their experience.

The most popular methods are:

  1. Personnel training - the company cooperates with educational institutions and with their help trains employees for its own needs.
  2. Advanced training - updating knowledge in accordance with the latest developments in different areas. The method is suitable for those people who, for some reason, are not satisfied with their previous profession.
  3. Personnel retraining is an opportunity to acquire a new specialty or knowledge necessary to work in a certain position. Ideal for those who have had a break from work and need to update their knowledge (young mothers).
  4. Cases and situational tasks - this method is aimed at team building and learning to work in a team. Most team members take part in the discussion, which allows you to find the right solution.
  5. Business games - situations related to professional activity. Using this method teaches employees to think outside the box and make decisions quickly.
  6. Briefing is perhaps a very superficial method of adaptation, but it is suitable for those employees who find it easier to adhere to a certain algorithm in any actions in the workplace.
  7. Budding is making it easier to join a team through a friendly relationship with a colleague. Providing feedback and the ability to ask for help at any time is most effective in the first weeks of work in a new company.

We will talk in more detail about methods such as rotation, shadowing, mentoring and immersion. They are interesting because workers gain more knowledge and skills when using them.

Personnel rotation

This is a type of advanced training. Rotation involves the temporary movement of personnel among positions within the organization, which allows employees to experience different roles and try their hand at a new field. It can be equally useful to see your work from the outside in this way. An employee in such a situation can realize mistakes and increase productivity. The method is quite effective, as it gives a certain shake-up to employees.


The name speaks for itself. An employee becomes a “shadow” of another employee or department head. At the same time, it is clearly visible how official duties are performed. The mentor and his “shadow” are on equal terms. It is worth noting that an inexperienced employee does not receive any payment, but has the opportunity to choose any workplace and position for such research.

This method can be developed in three directions:

The student has no experience and observes the work of an experienced employee.

The student has work experience and can participate in discussions and work.

The student has high professional skills and works independently. In this case, the “shadow” is an experienced employee who observes the work and makes adjustments as necessary.

Mentoring Institute

This method is based on selecting a mentor from experienced workers. This role can be performed by either a line employee with sufficient qualifications or a department head. He can set tasks for the beginner (from simple to more complex) and monitor their implementation. Also, based on his experience, the mentor explains all working aspects and gives recommendations on improving work and avoiding mistakes.

The new employee may be older than his mentor or occupy the same position as him. But in any case, in this method, the mentor plays a dominant role over his ward.

When using the institution of mentoring, the employee’s work is paid. And the mentor needs to keep reports on how the adaptation process is going and how ready the employee is for independent work.

Immersion method

This option is suitable for more high level positions. In this case, the new manager immediately actively joins the work. When fulfilling obligations, he has no time to doubt. They are also improving positive relationships with the team, which is facilitated by the leader fulfilling his duties independently, rather than delegating authority to subordinates.

Experience in Russia

Methods for adapting personnel to organizations in Russia are very limited and are most often expressed only through mentoring. This option is good in its own way if the mentor is experienced and does not do his job “for show.” There are also companies in which all adaptation programs are carried out only on paper. Methods from the training group are more often found in recruitment agencies and labor exchanges. These organizations help people acquire the knowledge needed for certain jobs. Combining different methods adaptation of personnel in the organization, you can achieve impact from new employees several times faster.

Responsible persons

Management of personnel adaptation in the organization falls on the shoulders of the following employees:

  • company management;
  • head of department;
  • HR manager;
  • mentor of a new employee.

At the same time, the roles of each are quite transparent. The HR manager is the employee whose efforts and knowledge are used to develop the personnel adaptation system in the organization. In this case, employees of other departments may be involved, for example, psychologists (if the company provides them).

The heads of the organization and department hire an employee, and it is they who decide at the interview whether this person is suitable for the position and whether he will cope with the responsibilities. And it is up to these same people to coordinate the adaptation system and put it into operation.

An equally important person is the mentor. This is an employee with extensive experience in this organization. Someone who knows all the nuances of work and communication with the team. It is he who will have to train the employee so that the number of errors is minimal.

Benefits from innovation

Improving the adaptation of personnel in an organization is something that every company should strive for. Stable work of the team, minimal staff turnover, as well as reduced costs of finding and training new employees are the key to the success and development of the company.

Professional adaptation of personnel in an organization should be carried out regardless of its size and form of ownership. Programs for workers without experience may be less expensive, since they do not need to be retrained in a new way.

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